Camera once again pans the crowd revealing evidence that at least some of the current crop of wrestlers are admired!

“We Miss You, Yvette!”

“No Moore! We Love Viper!”

“My favorite city in the world is Shea London”

“Samantha can take the Sisterhood by herself!”

After duly producing the quota of screaming fan shots the camera once again pans down to the announcers table where expectations of the next match are high.

Kenny: So young in their careers and so much history for Thunder and Lightning!

Cari: I am surprised to see them in the ring again so soon after their last farce! At least this time they won’t count each other out!

The Lights in the arena dim as Duran Duran's "Girls on Film" begins to blast through the sound system. The spotlights circle the arena before stopping at the gates of heaven. The Angeltron comes to life showing Simply Divine looking impressive in their matches against Motherhood, The Cheerleaders and the Babe Squad. Flash pots on both sides of the entrance erupt in blinding pyrotechnics. When the smoke clears, Laura Parker and Alexandria Parker step through the curtains. The crowd yells out its usual mixture of boos and catcalls as Laura and Alexandria pose. They are both dressed in skin tight, Red PVC pants with black over the thigh boots that have Simply Divine written on them in Red letters. They show off their tight abs and ample cleavage with a red bikini top. They wear designer sunglasses and black gloves to complete their ensemble. Their hair is worn up and is perfectly styled, not a strand out of place or a split end in sight. Laura wears the BRA Featherweight Title Belt around her waist. They walk toward the ring with a grace and style that leaves even their biggest enemies in awe of them.

Following Simply Divine is first Vanity, Alexandria's valet. She is dressed in a black micro mini skirt with a black blazer and white silk blouse. Vanity carries a large mirror with her. As they walk toward the ring Laura and Alexandria will turn and check their appearance in the mirror. Following Vanity is Willie Wienersnitzel, Laura's Hollywood agent. He is dressed in his usual "disco" suit consisting of a cranberry suit with an ultra wide collar, a white shirt with the top four buttons unbuttoned. A full Cleveland (matching white patent leather belt and loafers.) And five pounds of gold chain around his neck. On his head is what only can be described as the world's worst toupee.

Simply Divine step into the ring and strut around it, posing for the crowd. This brings out a loud outpouring of wolf whistles and catcalls. A mic is handed to Alexandria.

Alexandria: Once again BRA is graced by the presence of its two most beautiful and skillful wrestlers.

Laura: Aren't you all lucky to see us together for one match, no matter how pathetic our opponents are?

Alexandria: Didn't we just beat them?

Laura: We didn't beat these two. It was Linda Locke and that mouth wash girl.

Alexandria: The mouth wash girl?

Laura: You know, Minty Fresh or Minty Aftertaste or something like that.

Alexandria: That's right, this time the stripper has picked a new partner.

Laura: And for the benefit of those in the crowd that don't know who her new partner is, Alexandria and I will do our imitation of how those two train together.

(Alexandria gets on her knees While Laura begins to look around over Alexandria's head.)

Laura: Golly gee Sakura, where are you? We have to get ready to fight those meanies Simply Divine.

Alexandria: I am down here, here honorable Lidsey-san.

Laura: Well you better stand up.

Alexandria: I AM standing.

(This little scene is greeted by a mixture of laughs and boos. The boos out last the laughs. When they are finished posing, they check themselves once more in the mirror that Vanity holds. Laura takes off her Title belt and gives it to Willie.)

Kenny: Another entrance of the night from Simply Divine!

Cari: They should have what it takes to back it up though! They are my bet for top contenders for the belts!

Kenny: I don’t know, If you look at a Harvard study from 1953 of compatibility and a little known theory from Einstein about idiosynchronous matching of forces based on several overlapping and concurrent similarities, then Thunder and Lightning have at least a 53.65% chance of producing at least a draw!

Cari just looks incredulous before smacking Kenny in the head! The arena is silent for a moment, when suddenly, a white flash of pyrotechnics and the sound of a single clap of thunder break that silence. Music swells up, "We Are The Champions" From Queen, as the Three members of The Threesome walk to the entryway. Lightning Lindsay Locke, Chibiyama Sakura Ito and Janus stand next to each other and begin their walk to the ring. Following behind them are Angela Downey and John Nanakami. Lindsay wears her outfit of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver kneepads. Her blond hair is in pigtails. She is well toned and in her usual top physical condition. Sakura has her usual wrestling attire of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is colored a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. Janus wears her customary black leather pants and velvet shirt. Her feet are covered by her favorite blue and black cowboy boots. John Nanakami is dressed in black slacks and a gray sweatshirt, an airbrushed picture of a mountain peak and cherry blossoms scattering in the wind adorning the back. Angela wears faded blue jeans and a "Linds' Kids" T-shirt. The fans cheer for the new stable that has captured their hearts and imaginations. The whole group enters the ring and the Threesome members’ pose in the center. Sakura, kneeling, shows off her impressive biceps. Lindsay stands just behind her, smiling and displaying three fingers. Janus stands behind both of them holding the Fallen Angel Belt in the air. Finally, they split up, Janus, John, and Angela moving outside the ring to the team's corner. Sakura and Lindsey exchange a few brief words, with Sakura stepping between the ropes and letting Lindsey be first in the ring.

Kenny: This looks like it will be a classic tonight! Possibly the top two contenders for the BRA tag team champions!

Cari: Only if you exclude the Babe Squad!

Kenny: There is a growing strength in the tag team division finally! Not only with the three teams already mentioned, but others such as Shea London and Tara Sawyer, the possible return of Sugar and Spice and yet another tag team from the newly formed stable, the Cathouse with the leader herself, Samantha Staffer and former BRATT belt holder Peggy Christian! They are rumored to be set to square off against La Petite Marquise and another unnamed wrestler!

Cari: Not to forget the champions themselves, Kelly Mase and Skye Soaring Hawk!

Kenny: It looks like another rough job for new BRA statistician Angelo “the human abacus” Enumerelli, deciding on a rankings for this division as well!

Cari: Well, referee Lynette LaBrie looks ready!


Lindsey Locke comes from her corner circling boldly while Alex struts casually along the ropes oozing arrogance with every step. Finally Alex gets to center and moves for a lockup, but is met with an armdrag and taken to the mat. Getting up quickly she is again taken down in the same way! This time Alex rolls under the ropes to the floor holding her head and yelling “Hair!” at the ref s the crowd boo’s her antics. She finally rolls back in by her corner and struts back out. This time the ladies meet in a collar and elbow and struggle briefly before Lindsey twists Alex into a standing armbar eliciting a scream of pain from the rich bitch! Lindsey quickly whips her to the ropes and greets her return with a well-executed dropkick!

Kenny: Great start from Lindsey Locke! I can see champion written all over her!

Cari: The word is lightning, dufus, and this match ain’t over!

Lindsey tags quickly before Alex can respond and Sakura Ito takes advantage swooping on her opponent and bodyslamming her to the mat before grabbing her back up and into a headlock. Ito only holds that briefly before hip tossing Alex to the mat and getting behind her and clamping on a reverse chinlock! The crowd cheers loudly at the teamwork displayed by Thunder and Lightning. Ito drags Alex up and whips her hard to the ropes and ducks down for a backdrop, but Alex shows the presence of mind and leapfrogs the move and continuing to her corner before tagging in Laura.

Cari: There is experience for you! Alex took advantage of some rookie thinking to get out of trouble!

Kenny: She needed it! I wonder if Laura can do any better?

Laura is quick to the attack but Ito meets her charge with a hip toss and Laura quickly rolls from the ring. Alex verbally assaults the referee eliciting some more booing from the crowd. Ito and Locke clap their hands in the air with the crowd. This gives Laura a brief moment and she rolls quickly into the ring behind Sakura, getting to her feet. Sakura senses the danger but Laura plants her with a dropkick to the chest! Lindsey screams in despair as Laura drags Ito up and Irish whips her to the far corner to the waiting boot of Alex! Ito crumples to the mat arching her back as Lindsey and Janus complain to Lynette LaBrie who just waves the match on. Janus comes to the apron, which gets the attention of the ref. Alex steps into the ring and with Laura grab Ito, and double suplex her hard to the mat! Laura slaps hands with Alex and exits the ring. As Ito is down Alex arrogantly digs her boot into her opponents’ face! Ito screams in pain! Alex calls “My what pretty hair you have!” before grabbing a handful of it and dragging Ito to her feet and whipping her to the ropes and meeting her with a spinning heel kick. Ito staggers back to the ropes. Before Alex can attack further Sakura tags in Lindsey and she charges into the ring. Alex backs up and at Laura’s urging tags in her partner.

Kenny: Now we’ll see some heat! There is absolutely no love lost between these two anymore!

Cari: Hehe! This will be good!

The two women meet in a collar and elbow but Laura quickly makes her opponent gasp heavily with a kneelift to the stomach. She follows quickly with a tilt-a-whirl neck breaker dropping Lindsey hard to the mat! Alex cheers on the side as Laura grabs both of her stunned opponents’ legs and looks down, saying, “Feel the power of a real champion!” When her opponent is on her back, then drops both of her legs on the inner thighs of her opponent forcing her legs apart. Lindsey screams with pain as her tendons and muscles feel the impact! Laura grabs an arm and drags a suffering Lindsey to her feet and whips her hard face first to the waiting boot of Alex again! Sakura Ito, Janus and John Nanakami all start to berate the referee but again Lynette LaBrie waves the match on. Laura waves to the crowd and rolls quickly from the ring.

Kenny: What is she up to now? She has Lindsey where she wants her!

Cari: Knowing Sisterhood, something good!

In answer to the question Laura slips up to Willi and plants a big kiss on him, but as she returns to the ring she appears to have something in her hand. Willi wakes up for a moment and realizes his toupee is gone! As Laura re enters and poises over her prostrate opponent she yells “Get ready to meet Mr. Hairy!” before applying a mandible claw to Lindsey! Locke kicks her feet and muffled screams can be heard as the pain takes hold! Both Alex and Sakura are leaning over the ropes as far as possible eyeing each other but it’s clear that Lynette LaBrie is letting things take their course!

Kenny: I don’t see how this can be allowed!

Cari: You just don’t understand the qualities of good refereeing!

Laura looks to the crowd as she keeps applying the hold, but as she is distracted Lindsey swings her legs up and scissors Laura’s head and drags her bodily to the mat! Gasping, she takes the disgusting object from her mouth and throws it to the side as she squeezes Laura tight between her strong legs! In a moment Lindsey Locke had totally turned the match around and looked in good position! Catching her breath, Lindsey did a quick shuffle with her legs and suddenly had Laura in a figure four headscissors!

Kenny: Now it’s Laura’s turn to scream! Sakura may have stronger legs than Lindsey, but I don’t think Laura is appreciating the difference right now!

Cari: I don’t believe it! If that had been a proper toupee this match would have been over!

But the match was over! Lynette LaBrie took one look at the struggling Laura and signaled for the bell.


Kenny: She’s submitted! Lindsey Locke has beaten Laura Parker again!

Sakura Ito jumps in the ring as Lindsey gets up and celebrates the first win for Thunder and Lightning as a team! Laura is slow to get up and in the confusion, Alex leans down and grabs the mirror from Miss Vanity. As Sakura Ito’s head is turned Alex brings the mirror crashing over her head before grabbing a struggling Laura and storming from the ring.

WINNERS: Thunder and Lightning by submission. 1

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