(The camera pans the capacity crowd at the Battling Ring Angels Arena. They are on their feet cheering on their favorite wrestlers or maybe just hoping for the chance to be seen on national TV. THE camera stops at the announcers' table. Kenny looks up from his computer and smiles. Cari is yelling something that is bleeped out at the fans seated behind them.)

Kenny: Ah . . . Cari. We're live.

Cari: You won't be live for long if you keep quoting those pointless stats.

(Cari yells a few more things to the fans behind her that are again bleeped out by the censors.)

Kenny: I mean, that the commercial is over.

(Cari turns around and smiles sheepishly to the camera.)

Cari: Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. This next match is between . . . Ah . . .

Kenny: Leslie "Viper" Magnus and Gina Moore

Cari: Yeah, yeah! That's right. Gina vs. Viper. I was just testing you to see if you were paying attention.

Kenny: Yeah, right. This match should prove interesting. Gina started out as a crowd favorite and a respecter of the rules. She has changed in recent weeks.

Cari: A change for the better if you ask me. Rumor has it that she is being considered for membership in the hit squad.

Kenny: That's just what we need another cheater.

Cari: Not cheater, just one that understands the value of winning. She had the help of some of her friends to defeat Sakura Ito a little while ago. I'm sure they will be here to make sure that Viper doesn't cheat.

Kenny: Viper doesn't have to cheat to win. Although early in her career she was Dqed a number of times. She seems to be wanting to change her image.

Cari: Viper was one of the great wrestlers. Since she was injured, she has gone soft. She doesn't seem to have that killer instinct anymore.

Kenny: I think she has the killer instinct. Her tag match on the last card was a classic. She doesn't need illegal moves to win anymore. She wins by skill.

Cari: She wasn't the one that got the pin last week. The referees broke up the fight between Janus and Viper just as it was getting interesting. They'll meet soon and I look forward to that match.

Kenny: Tonight's referee is Clifford Bloire. I don't think he will be stopping anything.

Cari: I think he is the perfect referee for this match.

(The lights in the arena briefly turn off, as the opening bars of classic rock & roll piano begin to play. Pyrotechnics of purple and green shoot out from the corners of the ring, with loud explosions as "Great Balls of Fire" by Jerry Lee Lewis blasts from the speakers. In time to the music, Gina Moore comes charging down the entrance ramp toward the ring. She is clad in a two-piece that is navy blue on bottom, crimson on top, and hugs her tall, chiseled figure tightly. She wears black wrestling boots on her feet, and pads on her elbows and knees. The crowd cheers loudly, but Gina frowns and yells at them to shut up, which only incites them to cheer louder.)

Kenny: I see that Gina knows how to make a crowd putty in her hands.

Cari: She has a ring presence that I admire. Kenny: I was being sarcastic.

Cari: I wasn't.

(The lights dip to black as the sound of hissing fills the speakers. The Angeltron slowly comes to life as the image of a Pit Viper swaying back and forth is shown on the screen. Suddenly the large snake strikes, in slow motion its maw opens revealing fangs oozing with venom. At that same moment, the stage explodes with a series of green pyro as "WHO DO YOU LOVE" by George Thorogood, blasts over the loudspeakers. Through the smoke and fire steps the Viper. She scans the area, taking a moment to soak in the cheers of the crowd. She raises her arms in the air, showing off her long snake tattoo down her right arm and shoulder before making her way to the ring. Dressed in her scaled green sports bra and black combat pants she walks slowly down the aisle, her silver bike chain dangling around her neck.. Her black boots shine as she slides into the ring and smiles at the ref before rising to her feet.)

Kenny: Both participants are ready for this match and so is the crowd.

Cari: Clifford barks out the rules of the match as if they were orders.

(Bloire signals for the bell and the match begins. Both wrestlers circle each other looking for an opening. They lock up collar and elbow. Viper gets the advantage and forces Gina to her knees. Magnus grabs Moore's arm and bends it behind her back in a hammer lock. She forces Gina to her feet. Gina screams and slaps at Viper's arm in an attempt to break the hold. Bending down quickly, Gina manages to reverse the hold and now has a hammerlock on Leslie. Viper attempts to reverse but Gina lets go of the hold. Both wrestlers rub their sore shoulders. Viper strikes quickly, sending a kick to Gina's knee. Gina's knee buckles and she falls to one knee on the mat. Gina gets back to her feet quickly and sends a fist into the Viper's abdomen. Viper groans and doubles over. Gina places her in a headlock and falls backward driving Viper's head into the mat with a DDT.)

Kenny: Lots of fast action to start the match.

Cari: Nice way of stating the obvious.

(Gina brings Viper to her feet and sends her into the ropes. On the rebound, Gina hits her with a short arm clothesline. Instead of letting her fall to the mat, Gina wraps her arm around into a sleeper. Viper tries to gulp in air through her injured throat. Gina keeps the sleeper on and Leslie struggles against it. Leslie twists and turns trying to break free but Gina maintains the hold. Viper seems to be weakening Bloire looks disgusted as he checks to see if Viper has passed out. Lesley slams an elbow back that catches Gina in the belly. The force of the blow makes Gina release the sleeper. Viper staggers away trying to get the cobwebs out of her head. Gina follows Viper and spins her around. She kicks Viper in the knee which hobbles Viper. A series of chops to the chest is followed by a kick to the groin which causes Viper to drop to her knees and hold her wounded area. The ref doesn't react to the blatant low blow.)

Kenny: This is unbelievable, Clifford Bloire didn't even caution Gina about the low blow.

Cari: That's good, we finally have a referee that will let the wrestlers fight.

Kenny: He can let them fight, but he is supposed to stop the cheating.

Cari: I'm sure it was unintentional.

(As Viper kneels on the mat, Gina quickly scoops her up and body slams her hard to the mat. Viper bounces from the impact. Gina smiles and waves her hands to the crowd, which boos her roundly. She scowls at them and then returns her attention to Viper)

Gina: How could you ever think a pathetic crone such as yourself could even hope to equal the technical excellence shown by yours truly.

Moore bends over to bring Viper to her feet again when Leslie strikes with a quick kick to Moore's knee. Viper kicks again striking Gina in the same spot. Gina screams as her knee buckles and she falls to the mat. Viper gets to her feet and grabs Gina's arm in an arm bar. She forces Gina to her feet and sends her crashing into the ropes. On the rebound, Viper picks Moore up in a fireman's carry. Gina struggles as she is held over Viper's shoulders. Leslie falls backwards, slamming Gina into the mat with a Samoan drop. Leslie is quickly on her feet and grabs Gina's legs, She forces Gina unto her stomach and then curls her legs back into a Boston Crab. Gina slams her fists into the mat, fighting the pain in her back. She begins to inch toward the ropes. Viper leans back, putting even more pressure on Gina's back. Gina screams in agony but continues to move toward the ropes. With a final lunge, she manages to grab the bottom one. The ref signals for Viper to break the hold but she doesn't. The ref begins to count and Viper let's go at the count of four. Gina uses the ropes to get to her feet and continues to hold them as she tries to massage the pain out of her back. Before she lets go of the rope, Bloire signals for the fight to continue.)

Kenny Hey! Clifford Bloire signaled for the match to continue even though Gina is holding the ropes.

Cari: That's my man Clifford. He never lets the match slow down.

(Viper grabs one of Gina's arms and tries to whip her across the ring. Gina holds on to the ropes with the other hand and blocks the move. Viper tries again but Gina's hold on the ropes blocks it. Viper feints trying it again but instead sends a spinning heel kick to Gina's jaw. The force of the kick causes Gina to fall over the ropes and onto the floor outside the ring. Viper jumps out of the ring and onto the floor. Viper grabs the stunned Moore and rams her head into the ring apron. She does it again and again, causing Gina to become woozy. Leslie puts Gina into a headlock and runs toward the ring post to ram her head into it. At the last possible moment, Gina sticks a leg out, blocking the move. Viper tries it again but again Gina blocks it. Gina braces and pushes Viper away from her. Viper sends a palm thrust to the throat of Moore that cause her to gag and fall to her knees.)

Kenny: The referee Clifford Bloire hasn't even begun to count either wrestler out yet. He seems more intent on watching the action than officiating it.

Cari: That is my kind of referee.

(The camera pans to show a woman seated in the first row of the arena.)

Kenny: Who's that?

Cari: Where?

Kenny: In the front row it looks like it is Kelly Mase.

Cari: It is Kelly Mase she must be scouting out her future opponent.

Kenny: I think she has something more that scouting planned.

(As if on cue Kelly begins to shout something at Leslie. Leslie turns to see who it is. She advances toward the barricade and has a few choice words of her own for Mase. Most of what is said is being bleeped out by the censors.)

Kenny: Isn't Kelly Mase the one that injured Viper so bad that Viper was out of action for over half a year?

Cari: I do believe that she is the one.

Kenny: There is no love lost between these two.

(Viper signals for Mase to come and fight her. Mase just sneers at Viper and stays in her chair. Gina meanwhile has had time to recover. She moves behind Viper and grabs her around the waist. With a grunt, Gina lifts Viper off the floor and sends her up and over in a belly to back suplex. Viper's head and shoulders hit the concrete floor with a thud.)

Kenny: Oh my god, Gina just hammered the back of Viper's head into that hard concrete floor. I don't think she'll be getting up from that.

Cari: Smart move by Moore, using the distraction caused by Mase to gain an advantage.

Kenny: I'm not sure how much of an advantage it is. Gina is slow getting off the floor.

(Moore gets to her feet and shakes her head to clear it. Viper begins to stir on the floor. Gina lifts Viper up and slams her to the floor.)

Gina: Is your blood really cold? Let's take a look.

(Gina begins to stomp on the face and body of Magnus. Viper curls into a ball to try to protect herself. The referee continues to watch and yell encouragement to Gina. Gina grows tired of the beating and brings Viper to her feet. Leslie cannot stand on her own. All that is keeping her on her feet is the firm grip of Gina Moore. Moore whips Magnus into the barricade. Viper hits it hard and only just manages to keep from going over. Viper is face to face with Kelly Mase who laughs at her predicament. Gina charges into Viper with a shoulder block. Somehow Viper senses her approach and manages to roll out of the way. Gina's shoulder hits the barricade with a sickening thud. Moore screams and slumps to the floor holding her shoulder. Viper is too battered from the beating to do much of anything. Both wrestlers stay where they are hoping to regain some strength. The ref gets bored with this inactivity and finally begins to count both wrestlers out.)

Kenny: Finally, Bloire has begun to count both wrestlers out.

Cari: If, they going to stay out there and do nothing, he has no choice.

(Moore gets to her feet, favoring her right shoulder. Magnus is standing bent over trying to get more oxygen into her lungs. Viper bleed from a gash on her forehead caused by the stomping of Gina Moore. Moore swings her left arm in a chop across the back of Viper's neck which drives the weakened Viper to her knees. Gina raises her hand to do it again, when Viper strikes with a punch to Moore's belly that drives the air from her lungs. Gina staggers backward, away from Viper. Leslie gets to her feet and hears the ref's count. She manages to roll into the ring, but lies on the mat, trying to regain some strength. Gina realizes the ref is counting and she too rolls into the ring just beating the count out.)

Kenny: I don't know if either wrestler can go on.

Cari: Sure they can. The fun has just started. Look! Gina is using the ropes to get to her feet. I think Viper is on for another round of boots to the body.

(It looks like that is exactly what Gina has in mind. She slowly walks to the downed Viper and rears back her left leg to kick. Just before connecting with Viper's face, her foot is grabbed by Viper. Lesley twists the foot, causing Moore to scream as she falls to the mat. Viper gets to her feet still holding Moore's foot. She twists the foot causing Gina to roll onto her stomach in an effort to alleviate the pain. Viper wraps her up in a step over toe hold. Gina beats the mat trying to ease the pain in her leg and foot. Leslie increases the pressure causing Gina to moan in agony. Twisting her body and striking backward, Gina manages to hit Viper, causing her to break the hold. Viper gets to her feet as Gina crawls to the ropes. Gina uses the ropes to get to her feet. Viper grabs Gina by the back of the head and hauls her to the corner. She rams Gina's head into the turnbuckle. Again she does it. At the third ramming, the crowd starts counting. Leslie keeps it up until the crowd reaches ten, the obligatory stop point. Viper lets go of Gina, who staggers into the center of the ring barely able to stay on her feet.)

Kenny: I think Viper has Moore where she wants her. It looks like she is preparing for her finisher, "the coil"

Cari: Wait a minute, Kelly Mase has climbed over the barricade and is getting onto the ring apron.

Kenny: I don't think Viper sees her.

(Viper does see Mase climbing onto the ring apron. Before she can get all the way up, Viper runs and hits Mase with a baseball slide that knocks Mase to the floor. Viper grabs the ropes to keep from sliding out of the ring. She is quickly back on her feet. Clifford Bloire, finally stirs himself and goes to the side of the ring and orders Mase out of the ring area. Mase ignores him and continues to taunt Viper. Viper ignores Mase and moves toward Moore. Gina still seems to be out of it. Viper grabs Gina's hair and forces her head up. She smacks a backhand across it. The slap is heard throughout the arena. Viper raises her hand to slap Gina again. Gina strikes quickly, sending her knee to the junction of Viper's legs. Viper's face goes pale as a silent scream escapes her rounded lips. Viper slumps to her knees. Gina hits Viper in the face with a spinning heel kick. Viper's head hits the mat with a thud. Seeing Gina in command of the match, Kelly climbs over the barricade and takes her seat. Gina grabs Viper's head and forces her to her feet. Gina whips Viper into the corner and follows her in. Viper grabs the ropes and vaults off the mat. Gina hits the turnbuckle hard as Viper comes down behind her. Viper grabs Gina and places her across her shoulders before driving her head into the mat with a Death Valley Driver. Gina hits hard and flops on her stomach. Lesley hooks her legs down around Moore's ankles and then quickly falls forward, grabbing Gina's right arm and pulling it back while hooking her free arm around Gina's neck. Gina struggles against the hold but is too weak from the match to break it. The ref asks if she submits. Gina shakes her head no and tries to crawl toward the ropes.)

Kenny: This is the end! Leslie has her finisher, the "coil" locked on tight.

Cari: Gina can still make it to the ropes.

Kenny: I don't think so. This hold looks like the crippler cross face but it is slightly different. It is also a sleeper. If Gina doesn't submit, she will soon be asleep.

(In fact, Gina is getting weaker as the hold takes it's effect. She is unable to crawl forward. The ref asks Gina if she submits but she doesn't respond. He raises her hand and releases it, It flops to the mat. He raises it again and again it flops to the mat. The crowd goes wild cheering the ending of this match. Clifford Bloire pauses a moment before he raises Gina's hand in the air for the third time. He releases it dramatically and again it falls to the mat. The ref shakes his head and signals for the bell.)

Kenny: There it is. Leslie "Viper" Magnus has won the match.

Cari: A lucky move.

Kenny: LUCK? This was a hard fought match by both wrestlers.

(The ref raises Viper's hand in victory. Except that she is standing, Leslie doesn't look much better than Gina. Leslie staggers from the ring and up the ramp as her music begins to play over the sound system. As she nears the entrance, someone runs from behind her. In her hand is an extendable steel rod. She swings the rod and it fully extends striking Magnus in the knee. Viper screams as she falls to the steel floor of the ramp.)

Kenny: Oh my god! That was Kelly Mase and she just Tanya Hardinged Leslie Magnus.

Cari: Smart move by the assassin.

Kenny: That coward just kept running until she was out of the arena.

Cari: I wonder why she did that? It's not like Magnus has any friends to come to her aid.

Kenny: That was totally uncalled for. Mase almost ended Viper's career eight months ago, now she seems to be trying to finish what she started.

Cari: That Assassin is incredibly persistent.

(The EMT's help Viper leave the arena as the camera fades to commercial.)

The winner: LESLIE "VIPER" MAGNUS, by submission. 1

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