Spells, Charms and Hexes:

Bewitch Your Friends With the Latest!!

By: Kerry Thell

Contributors: Evan Zelder, Lelani Black, and Carlos Lupin


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5


Chapter 1: Spells to Put on Your Friends

        These spells, charms and hexes are ones you can put on your friends for fun. I’m not saying you should, but wouldn’t it be funny if you used the Fur………. never mind. Anyway use them cautiously and only when you think your friend won’t get mad at you for it.


Densaugeo- Teeth-Growing Charm

This curse would cause your friend’s teeth to enlarge grotesquely at an extremely fast rate.


Diffindo- Breaking Spell

This spell causes an object to break or split or tear. You could use this to tear your friends backpack and have all of their things spill on the floor.


Engorgio- Engorgement Charm

Reducio- Counter curse

A charm where your friend or your target swells in size. That would be hilarious to see it used on their pet!


Furnuculus-Furnunculus Charm

This charm causes boils to break out all over them. Be careful when you use this one, your friend might not like you too much after.


Rictusempra-Tickling Charm

This causes them to be tickled all over so, they laugh uncontrollably. This would be so cool to use on an enemy!


Tarantallegra-Dancing Charm

This charm forces your friends dance around like crazy! That would be so funny!


Waddiwasi-Gum-Shooting Charm

This charm shoots gum out of a keyhole and into the nose of your friend. This is a good little spell to use for revenge!


Activus-Jumping Charm

Noctivus- Counter curse

This charm causes your friend to jump up and down constantly. Great if used in a high corridor so they don’t hit their head.


Insanus- Insane Spell

Unsanus- Counter curse

Make your friend go insane with this spell; they won’t know the difference between up and down.


Filabrius- Fast Spell

Pastelio- Counter curse

Makes you or your friend extremely fast at normal day things. Like, running, writing and reading.


Virasea- Vision Spell

Seradio- Counter curse

This makes you have heightened vision so you can see at great distances.



Chapter 2: Practical Spells

        These spells are used for practical and everyday uses.


Accio-Summoning Charm

Causes an object to fly to the person that cast the spell, and it can even work over great distances.


Alohomora-Unlocking Charm

        This charm makes something that’s locked open.


Avis- Bird Conjurer

        Makes a flock of tiny birds.


Point-me- Four-Point Spell

If you lay your wand in your hand and say the incantation the wand will point north.


Impervius-Waterproofing Charm

        Makes an object water repellent or waterproof.


Incendio-Fire Charm

        Makes a fire.


Lumos-Light Charm

Nox- Counter curse

        Makes a beam of light shine from the end of the your wand.


Orchideous-Flower Conjurer

        Makes a bouquet of flowers pop out the end of your wand.


Reparo- Repairing Charm

        This charm repairs an object that has previously been broken.


Sonorus-Sound Amplifying Spell

Quietus-Counter curse

This spell makes the person’s voice amplify so everyone can here you.


Wingardium Leviosa- Flying Charm

This charm causes an object to be lifted off the ground, hence it’s flying.



Chapter 3: Spells you wouldn’t use on your friend


Locomotor Mortis-Leg-Locker Curse

This curse causes your victims legs to lock together, so he/she won’t be able to walk.


Obliviate-Memory Charm

This erases part of your victim’s memory, but use with caution, if used to often you can make your friend not know if it’s summer or winter.


Petrificus Totalus-Full-Body Bind

The full-body bind makes your victim unable to move so they either fall over or just stand there.


Serpensortia- Snake Charm

This charm causes a serpent to burst out of the end of your opponent’s wand.



Ennervate- Counter curse

        This spell makes your victim unconscious.



Chapter 4: Defensive Spells

Use these spell for defense against your enemies or evil itself.


Expecto Patronum- Patronus Charm

This charm drives away a dementor. When at full power it can drive away many dementors. It conjurers a Patronus that usually has a sentimental type of value to the caster.


Expelliarimus- Disarming Spell

This spell disarms your victim, causing their wand to fly out of their hand.


Finite Incantatem- Stopping Spell

        This spell stops all current spell affects in the area.


Impedimenta- Impediment Curse

        This spell stops an object in its place or slows it down.


Reducto- Blasting Hex

        This hex blasts solid objects out of the casters path.



Chapter 5: Illegal Spells (The Unforgiveable Curses)

If you use any of these on another person it’s life in Azkaban. You wouldn’t want that, would you?



Avada Kedavra- Killing Curse

Like the name said, this curse kills the victim. Leaving them dead.


Crucio- Cruciatus Curse

This curse strikes the victim with an intolerable pain. If used a lot the victim can go insane.


Imperio- Imperius Curse

This spell makes the victim become under they’re command, so the caster can bend them any way they.

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