Advanced Spells for the Advanced First Year Wizards and Witches of the Wizarding World
by Atlantis Carter- Gryffindor


Spells are a needed essence in the wizarding world. Without them and our wands we would be muggle like with wizarding blood and no magical powers. Hence, spells are a necessity in young wizards’ and witches’ schooling year. However, these spells are to be learned after getting a good grasp of beginning spells. This text has a complicated spell to not let one rummage through its pages unless they are magically qualified. So do not burden your eyes by trying to further pursue these words or it will equal in rather an unpleasant surprise for the illegal reader.

The origins of spells has dated back to the very first wizarding days.

They are not just a mix of funny sounding words- they are carefully put together in a clever mix to make the spell do what the wizard or witch desires. The words are put together in a way so that they are all in magical harmony and balance with each other for the spell to work. Hence, a magical spell is much like a potion- it must be well mixed and balanced.

Most spells, many of the easier ones, are only a few words or even syllables.

Do not let this miss lead you, the wizarding world is also complied with several phrased spells. Mostly like a small poem with rhyming lines so that the words are all in harmony with each other.

These spell binding words will let you take a peek into the world of these longer, slightly more advanced spells. Like previously mentioned- they are longer and they tend to rhyme and resemble a short poem. A good majority of these spells normally accompany a potion, making them even more potent and harder to do. Therefore, the user of these spells should speak clearly and try to say them without hesitation and stumbling. Of course, when saying these spells one most wave their wands accordingly (please consult a wand using book, recommended Wands and Charms for the Beginning Witch/Wizard by Oriona Carter) and if there is an accompanying potion- one must wave it over the potion also.

Now is the time to introduce some of these longer spells. Note to the readers: the author in no way is responsible for any damages or harm whether permanent or impermanent, or death to another being(s) or animal(s). The following versed spells are only a glimpse of the vast world of versed spells out there, feel free to try others after you have mastered these.

The first spell is a Brightening the Beholder’s Eye Spell. This spell can be done with a glamour or deception potion if needed and if convenient. However, it can be done without one.

Brighten the Beholder’s Eye
with what I believe is wise
for the time of one hour-
I will posses this power.
I make the precision
that this (object or feature) is what I desire
and so be it for other’s vision
and for one hour this is the way it will be admired.

This spell is used as somewhat of a glamour for an object or feature that the witch or wizard desires.

The second spell is used with turning back a clock’s arms in the act of turning back time to undo a misdeed. It will only work for a wizard or witch if it can be righted without major altercations to history and can only be affective if the misdeed happened in the last half hour. The spell is entitled The Arms of Time Spell.

Turn back the Arms of Time
For me to let the misdeeds unbind.
Send me back to the present hour
As soon as the wrong is right-done by my power.

This spell must be done while turning back the arms of a clock with the flick and swish of your wand. Do not try to misuse this spell for it will not do your bidding.

The third and final spell is used as a protecting spell- however without a protection potion it will have a duration time of only ten minutes. One may lengthen this time with a potion- hence, it will protect the rightfully protected until the innocent is no need of this magical assist of protection. This spell is named The Direction of Protection.

Protect (name of person or animal) under this invisible wing
Until the horrid strains of danger no longer sings.
This spell does not protect those that do not deserve or rightfully need protection.
Now that you, the reader, has gotten a taste of these versed spells please explore these and rightfully use them.
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