Beauty Spells and Other Visible Enhancements by Magic

Would you like to be a little more attractive or look differently than you currently look? Not that you'd truly need it, I'm sure, but if you like to try new things, I think I may have here some spells and such that could help. On the left is the incantation, and next to it is what it does. After the definition, you'll find what you might have to do to achieve the spell in its utmost perfection (or close to it!). Also (and this is the last thing), after the "ritual" (if need be) there might be a warning. Nothing is completely free, eh?
Different sections are separated by a semi-colon (;).

- venustas; over-all physical beauty; while wearing the clothing that you think makes you most attractive, point wand at an upper part of the body, and say "venustas"; WARNING: this spell will increase your physical beauty to everyone else, but will make your own self esteem plummet. You will see yourself as everyone else, but the outside beauty needs help from inside beauty to become more than it already is.
- coloro oculus; changes eye color; this is fairly simple, but might have to be done numerous times to get the desired shade; there is really nothing to worry about here other than maybe a waste of time. There have been some complaints of visual loss, but that could also be a result of watching replays on omnioculars.
- decoro crines; various ways of changing appearance of hair; just point wand at hair and say spell.
~ crinitus; makes hair on head grow rapidly (and grows straight); WARNING: if you do not perform the stopping spell*, your hair will not stop growing.
~ crispus; makes hair curly; WARNING: starts out in small whisps, but slowly grows curlier. Use stopping spell*.
~ coloro crines; changes hair color; (see coloro oculus)
- proceritas; grow in height; best idea is to do this in either few clothes or clothes of desired height; WARNING: as with crinitus and crispus, you must use the stopping spell* or it will go overboard.
- decresco; decreases things (makes them smaller). this mostly just works with things of flesh, such as feet, noses, hands, etc.; point want at desired area and say 'decresco'.
- perfecto puella; increases femininity; this is a little more than a movement of a wand and a word. You must find 2 white roses and 2 red roses. Draw bath water in to a bath and make it fairly warm (as warm as you can take it without giving yourself third degree burns - or even first!), and one by one, switching from a white rose to a red rose, pluck one petal and drop it in the bath, then pluck one from the other color rose. Continue doing this until all petals are gone. Point your wand at the tub and say "perfecto puella". Sit in bath for 15-30 minutes, depending on your desire. Takes 24-48 hours to complete.; WARNING: this is a very old-fashioned spell, so if you have any likes and qualities that would have been considered "boyish" in the 1500s or around then, you might possibly lose the ability or quality.
- perfecto puer; increases masculinity; although "perfecto puer" and "perfecto puella" seem like they are incredibly alike, the way of performing the spells are totally different. For this one you must get 2 pounds of pure earth (best if from a non-inhabited area) and put it in a very large clear bowl. The earth should only take up about half of the bowl Add 2 cups of water to the top (don't worry about stirring), and sprinkle a little salt and a tablespoon of vinegar on the top. Point wand at bowl and say "perfecto puer" and stick your hands as far down as they will go. Leave them their for 2-5 minutes, depending on preference. Takes 24-48 hours to complete; WARNING: muscles will grow, and you will more than likely grow in height, also. Have larger clothes ready. Do not keep hands in bowl for longer than 7 minutes, because it will make you primitively masculine (ex: loincloths, and trying to get women by banging them on the head with a bat).

*the Stopping Spell: quiesco; stops (doing something); point wand at desired time and say "quiesco"

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