Duelling for Begginers by Kiara Bell

Chapter 1. What is Duelling?


Duelling isn’t, as most people think, just a couple of wizards fighting casting spells on each other. Duelling is an art. In fact, it is the most interesting wizarding art. It allows wizards to tests themselves and prove how skilled they are. It requires concentration, determination, self-confidence, quick thinking, agility, correct pronunciation of the incantation that you are going to use and above all practice. Duelling has proved to be very effective and though it is used as a self defence technique it was also used in the past to defend “honor”. 


Duelling shows bravery and courage, as both are required to duel. Not all duels end with the dead of your adversary, in fact most duels today end with both wizards alive but with a series of transfigurations and maybe even something more. Honourable wizards never fail to show at a duel when they are challenged to one, only worst kind of wizards would to that. In a wizard duel you can cast almost every spell you want, you can even cast unforgivable curses but be ware that you will go to Azkaban if you do. 


Chapter 2. Most common spells used on duelling


 Here is a list of the most common duelling spells, their effects and tips on when to use them

Why to use it
Makes the opponent´s wand to fly throw the air landing on your hand
This is a very useful spell and good to use at any time
Affects the eyes and vision of the target
Since most spells require eye contact with your target to get them right this spell gives you a big advantage on your opponent. Also it is known that some wizards cast animals to attack their opponents so this is a good spell to use against them.
Stops an object or slows it down
Your opponent has cast a molbiliarus spell on something and it is now coming at you 
Petrificus Totalus
Leaves the body motionless
This is also a great spell to use at any time since it will leave your opponent completely motionless for a while 
Locomotor mortis
Glues your opponent´s legs together
Gluing your oponent´s legs is always good because he won´t be able to dodge or run when you cast a spell on him and you´ll be able to perform the incantations very easily 
Mucoid Anamalia Up
Makes your victim to throw up slugs 
This spell will make you opponent go desperate since he will be throwing up slugs for quite a while
Makes your opponent start to dance an old Italian dance called “taranto”.
This will also make him go nutts and he won´t know what to do, besides you´ll crack up watching him dance non-stop 
Finite Incantem
Makes currently working spells stop
Good to stop almost all spells.


Chapter 3. Other duelling spells


As we already mentioned, almost all spells can be used in duelling even the most ridiculous ones. In fact they not only can but ARE used in duelling. Everything that can make your opponent look bad or even scare him a little bit is used. Transfiguration spells are used very often (nothing is funnier than to see your opponent with a donkey head and chicken legs) but this spells are too advanced for 1st years wizards and very hard to perform correctly, you are most likely to hurt yourself than to hurt your opponent if you are not very skilled in duelling. You will find all about them next year. 

To prevent young wizards to try them in advance I will be just naming a few of them. 

Engorgio: causes objects to grow 10 times its normal size.

Densaugeo: makes teeth grow abnormally

Frunuculus: causes boils on your oponent´s body

Mobiliarius: makes objects move. Good for throwing things at your opponent.

Sticky Surface: turns a surface into a solid consistence of sticky glue

Eselkopf: gives your opponent a donkey head

Pollituspiernosis: gives your opponent chicken legs

Quackadelicus Moteadus: turns your opponent into a white purple spotted duck.

Concuctuious Knockoutacus: causes the victim to go Knock out.

Muticus Shutupicus: makes the victim stop talking. 

Wottmous: makes worts appear all over your body.

Moveness mackes: forces the victim to move non stopping.

Vindictus Bottillus: makes opponent become miniature and traps him inside a blue bottle.

Inflammo: Causes target of wand to burst into flames


Chapter 4. Animal conjuring spells used in duelling


What are they? Animal casting spells are spell you use to conjure animals. This spells can also be used in duelling but they normally aren´t. Animal conjuring spells are normally used to attack and not to defend yourself.


The most popular animal casting spell used in duelling is serpensortia. This spell will cause a large black serpent to burst from the end of your wand. The serpent will attack your opponent and scare him. Never the less some there are other animal conjuring spells that conjure bigger animals but for that they are not so common ones.


Here are a few animal conjuring spells:


Elephantus: conjures a big angry elephant that runs over your enemy ans smashs him.

Moniticus: conjures an aggressive monkey that starts to throw bananas at your opponents eyes. This monkey has a very good arm and almost never fails.

Azulis ballencus: conjures a blue whale. (note: very hard spell but very effective to squash your opponent)

Jaguareterei: conjures a huge tiger that will most likely eat your opponent

Jakare poty: conjures an agile alligator that can barely be seen.

Leonis fidelius: this spell is use to attack but also in self defence against other creatures. It conjures a big golden lion. This spell was created by famous wizard Gordic Gryffindor during his famous duel against Salazar Slytherin (for more info on this duel read chapter 8 “interesting facts on wizarding duels)

Bulling bull: it conjures a red bull that tries to stick his horns in your opponent´s chest.


Chapter 5. Unforgivable curses.


Unforgivable curses are very commonly used in duelling, some unforgivable curses are worst than others, but since 1875 using any of them will get you in Azkaban faster than you can take out your wand point your wand at someone. The most commonly known unforgivable curses are:


Imperio: it will make the victim go under your command and do as you tell him to.

Aveda kedavra: this curse kills the victim instantly.

Crucio: this spell is used as a torture spell. It will strike the victim with unbearable pain.

Painful death: this spell will kill the victim making them suffer the worst, excruciating death 


Chapter 6.Correct pronunciation in duelling


As we all know, if you mispronounce an incantation things can go seriously wrong. The least that could happen (and this is only if you are lucky enough) is that by mispronouncing a incantation you develop a new spell. But most of the time, the mispronunciation of an incantation can only bring horrible consequences, a few wizards had to learn that the hard way, this could even cause dead or permanent transfiguration. Mispronouncing a very powerful spell could even cause the destruction of your wand and if the spell backfires the first thing you should do is DODGE it.


Correct pronunciation is the KEY for a successful charm, specially when it comes to duelling since mispronouncing could cost you your life or a very important body part.


Chapter 7. Newest duelling charm 


This charm was discovered in London by Ministry of Magic employee Eleanor Spactle. This charm is called “The concealment charm” 

It works like this: Point your wand at an enemy, or at your enemy’s feet, and shout out the incantation, “Concealus!” 


Then, a bead of greyish-black color should shoot from your and with a trail of smoke behind it. Upon impact, it will explode and smoke will erupt from every direction, covering you enemy in smoke. Thus, blocking you from your enemy’s sight, and forcing your enemy to cough and wheeze.

This charm may also be used on yourself to conceal yourself, but it is designed as a diversionary tactic, or to disorient the enemy.

Chapter 8. Interesting facts about duelling


ü First duel: this is not confirmed but Historians have reason to believe that the 1st duel ever was between witches Wanda Goodfeather and Fleece Bluestone.


ü World most famous duellers: Salazar Slytherin, Gordic Gryffindor, Albus Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort, Magnolia Wandsmith


ü Longest duel: between wizards Australis Artemis and Nerlius Newmender. This duel is said lasted 15 entire days.


ü Shortest duel: between Lord Voldemort and wizard Dorfy Darkins. This duel lasted less than 1 full minute.


ü More than 400 diferent spells where used in the duel between witch Enika Klopofwsy and her husband Endiko Poskolasvky


ü Most animal conjuring spells used in the duel between wizards Bill Brownspecktacle and Bob Brekenbridge


ü Most transfiguration spells used in the duel between Betsy Brogflicks and Mia Marsystone


ü Cruellest spelled used in duelling: painful death. 


ü Most common spell used in duelling: expelliarmus


ü Pecivald Watherby who was believed to be one of the world´s greatest duellers proved to be a fraud after his duel agains world famous dueller Magnolia Wandsmith It turns out that it was just publicity and that he never duelled until that day.


ü More than 900.000 wizards and witches have died duelling


ü Magical regulation laws on duelling where created around year 1.789 when things got out hand in the French Revolution.


ü The first country that made duelling legal was Australia.



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