Dueling - A Spell-ing Lesson
by Aretmius Viridan


Dueling is an ancient wizarding way of deciding wagers that go wrong, doing deadly duels and having drunken battles. This short handguide
will give you the basics of how to duel, along with spell suggestions and how to keep eye contact.

Chapter 1 -Basics

Dueling is really easy (unless dangerous and hard spells are involved). If it is a proper wizarding duel, you will need a second to continue
fighting if you die. Just point your wand at the person you are dueling and incantate away!

Eye contact is very important, you need to have the reciever of the curse you are about to cast in your range of sight. No matter what happens, it is very important to keep eye contact, even if you drop your wand

Chapter 2 - Handy And Fun Spells to Use
Name Incantation and Pronounciation Effect
Conjunctivitis Curse Conjunctiva (kon-JUNK-ti-VAR) A spell that effects the eyes and the vision of the target.
Bunny Teeth Densaugeo (den-sah-OO-gi-oh) Curse which causes the victim's teeth to enlarge grotesquely.
Disarming Charm Expelliarmus (ex-pel-ee-AR-mus) Causes opponent's weapon to fly out of their hand.
Spell Remover Finite Incantatem (fi-NEE-tay in-can-TAH-tum) Stops currently operating spell effects.
Boils Hex Furnunculus (fur-NUN-kyoo-lus) Curse that causes boils to break out all over the victim.
Impediment Curse Impedimentia (im-ped-ih-MEN-tee-ah) Stops an object or slows it down.
Fire Starter Incendio (in-SEN-dee-o) Lights a fire
Jelly-Legs Jinxs Locomotor Flubb (lo-co-MO-tor flubb) Causes the opponent's legs to wobble uncontrollably.
Leg-Locker Curse Locomotor Mortis (lo-co-MO-tor MOR-tis) Locks together the legs of the victim, making them unable to walk.
Full Body Bind Petrificus Totalus (pe-TRI-fi-cus toe-TAH-lus) Turns the entire body of the victim ridged.
Tickling Charm Rictusempra (ric-tu-SEM-pra) Causes a person to laugh uncontrollably.
Serpent Go Out Serpensortia (ser-pen-SOR-sha) Causes a large serpent that will go for your victim, to burst from the end of your wand.
Slug Curse Mucoid Anamalia Up (mew-COY-d  an-a-malia UP) Causes the victims to belch up slugs.
Stunner Stupefy (STOO-puh-fye) Renders the target unconscious.
Tarantula Dance Tarantallegra (TAIR-an-tuh-LEG-ruh) Forces the victim to perform the high energy Tarantula Dance from Middle ages Italy.

Remember - Wizarding Duels can be dangerous (especially against someone who knows the Unforgiveable Curses, don't go into a Wizarding Duel lightly.)

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