Irix Nuit(ir008)
This duel had happened many years ago in Russia between the famous evil witch Baba-Yaga and a young knight Ivan the Simple-Minded. The subject of the duel was Ivan's sister, Mariya the Skilled. Baba-Yaga had kidnapped her with the intention to use her services in his house, because not a single house elf wanted to work for Baba-Yaga.

The charming young knight with blue eyes and blonde hair, Ivan the Simple-Minded, was not a real wizard - his father tried to teach him, but Ivan had managed to learn only a single spell. However, this spell was very effective, and it had never him failed before. So Ivan felt quite confident when he approached Baba-Yaga's cottage, riding on his pet wolf Graywolf.

"Hey, Baba-Yaga ! Come out so I can kill ya !" - shouted Ivan, getting off the wolf.

The old witch appeared in the doorway. Actually she was very fond of duelling, and she was looking forward to the fun.

"So what, boy, are you tired of being alive ?" - cackled the old hag.

"No, I am tired of looking at your ugly face," - growled Ivan and he started towards the door. His spell, powerful as it was, unfortunately required a very close distance to the target.

"Now watch it !" - grinned Baba-Yaga, whipping out her wand, and shouting: "Ono-zeleno-veeno"!
This spell was intended to instantly make the victim as drunk as he would be after drinking a whole keg of the finest Russian ale ! Baba-Yaga always enjoyed the sight of the proud knights stumbling, falling on their faces and crawling in the mud, like pigs.

However, to her utmost surprise, Ivan just smiled broadly, as if he just had received a birthday present, and continued towards the house. (Little did she know that Ivan was quite used to this kind of pastime, and often drank several kegs of ale together with his friends).

The old witch waved her wand again and exclaimed: "Durak-slovno-sobak" ! This spell was a very nasty spell which made the victim as stupid as a dog. Many of the brave knights ended up in Baba-Yaga's back yard, fighting with her dogs over the bones, and trying to wiggle their nonexistent tails. However, the spell didn't produce any visible effect on Ivan, except that he suddenly whacked himself on the forehead and muttered "NOW I remember where I put that ball I got for my 18th birthday !" The young lad was already a few steps away from Baba-Yaga, and she started to get nervous.

"OK, now I'm serious, " - shouted the witch, waving her wand again, "Zmei-volos-zavei !" This secret spell, which was in the possession of Yaga's family for many generations, transfigured the victim's hair into poisonous snakes ! But the beautiful hair of the blond knight remained intact, and finally he reached the doorstep and took out his trusty wand (which was made of the finest oak, was 5 feet long and weighted about 100 pounds). "A-nu-postoronis !" (out of my way ! ) bellowed Ivan, and smacked the old witch right at the forehead with his wand. As it was expected, Baba-Yaga was out of the way. In fact, she was knocked out cold.

"Mashka - I came to take you home !", - shouteed Ivan and rushed into the house. It took him some time to find Mariya, who had been locked in the cellar, and was so busy sampling Baba-Yaga's ale stock that she didn't hear the duel.

Meanwhile, Baba-Yaga, still sprawled face down by the front of her door, started to regain consciousness. "No more jokes, now I'll get that boy !", - thought she. Frantically searching for her wand. But it was too late - when she got up, she saw Ivan and Mariya already mounting the wolf. Graywolf eagerly jumped forward. "Darn !" - exclaimed Ivan, hitting a tree branch with his head, and something which looked like a white cloth fell down, as the wolf disappeared into the forest. Baba-Yaga, muttering curses, stumbled out of the yard to see what nasty thing Ivan could have possibly left behind. It was a blonde wig !

Fran Scorpio(fr029)
In 1768, there was an eccentric wizard by the name of Bospherous Pferd in the town of Pinz who had the bad habit of collecting cats and dogs belonging to others and keeping them in his castle. In this town also lived a certain sorcerer's apprentice by the name of Tom Ludwig. One day, Tom's little dog by the name of Malo disappeared and he decided to have a showdown with Pferd in order to get his dog back and all the while making himself a hero in the town by liberating the other cats and dogs.

He knocked on the heavy door of the castle and was admitted by a servant. Pferd appeared at once holding his wand. "I know what you're after and you are not going to get it," said Pferd.

Ludwig brandished his wand and boldly declared, "Then this is a duel!"

Before Tom could say "one two three," Pferd yelled "Rictusempra!" and he felt a jet of silver light hitting him in the stomach. He was immediately overcome with a fit of giggling. He felt as though his entire body was being mercilessly tickled. Struggling for breath, Tom aimed his wand in the general direction of Pferd and shouted, "Tarantallegra!" Pferd's legs began to dance around uncontrollably.

As Tom rolled helplessly on the floor, Pferd danced around him and kicked him swiftly in the ribs. Tom rolled into Pferd, barely knowing what he was doing and Pferd, in little more control of himself, fell over. As he fell, he dropped his wand which landed hard on the stone floor and exploded with a large, purple flash of light. Tom immediately stopped laughing and got to his feet.

He pointed his wand at Pferd and pronounced, "Finite Incantatem!" to stop Pferd's frenetic movements and allow him to listen. "Now will you release my dog?" bellowed Tom. "NO!" shouted Pferd, looking frantically around for his wand.

"Then you leave me no choice," said Tom. "Imperio!" he shouted.

With Pferd under his control, Tom made him release all the animals he had stolen. He then returned to town, expecting a hero's welcome. Unfortunately, amidst the grateful animal  was a sheriff with an order for Tom’s arrest. "No matter what the reason, performance of the "Imperio" curse is unforgivable." He was sentenced to the wizard prison they had in those days which was called Hassenleben! They didn't use dementors there but it was still a very depressing place.

Fran Scorpio(fr029)
Mortimer Finchly is a wizard born in 1950. He lives in Los Angeles where he has a mansion in the Hollywood Hills.

Ten years ago, Finchly got involved in a feud with a dark wizard named Hinkley O'Brien. They had both been working in a New York firm that manufactured wizards robes. Finchley got a promotion to Assistant Vice President of the firm, a promotion which O'Brien thought should have been his.

As Finchley was alone in his office when O'Brien suddenly apparated.

Standing before Finchly's desk, wand in hand, O'Brien didn't waste any time. "Crucio!" he shouted, pointing his wand at Finchly. Finchly ducked just in time to avoid the curse. He dropped to the floor behind his desk. There, thinking quickly, he utilized his power as an animagus to transform himself into a large cobra. As O'Brien ran around the desk to make a second attack. Finchly slithered underneath the desk. There, he coiled up, his head following the progress of O'Brien, his forked tongue flicking in and out of his mouth.

O'Brien looked under the desk, blinking against the darkness. No sign of Finchly could be found but, instead, he saw a triangular head with glittering eyes just a fraction of a second before the cobra struck right at his face, sinking it's fangs into his cheek.

"Avada Kadavra!" yelled O'Brien, trying to aim his wand at the serpent. But his aim was wild and the spell was harmlessly discharged in the direction of the ceiling.

Finchly returned to his human form. He bent over the lifeless form of O'Brien, feeling his pulse. There was a weak pulse. His foe was barely alive.

Grabbing O'Brien tightly, Finchly apparated to St. Mungus Hospital for magical maladies. There, O'Brien's life was saved while Finchly gave his report to a representative of the Ministry of Magic. He had some explaining to do as he had not been registered as an animagus.

"You will have to pay a fine for failure to register," explained the representative. "And you will have to register at once."

All in all, it could have been much worse, mused Finchly as he and his girlfriend enjoyed dinner in the Top of the Magi restaurant on 53rd Street.

Ana Knyte(an060)
The Famous Pep-Si Duel of 1898

It was during in 1898  when this famous duel (and the "appearance of Pepsi in the World) happened in the Wizard town of Hubbadee. Pepper (then 17) and Siralin (16) Cordack were famous in town for their great love of duelling. They mastered all the spells of duelling (except the Unforgivable Curses, which they refuses to learn) at a very early age. They often duelled each other for fun, since no one for 100 km could ever beat them. They were famous for making their own spells too. Pepper had the quickest wand of the two, her hand was very fast at flicking. Siralin however, was better at choosing what spell to use. It was during a very hot and humid Saturday that this famous duel took place.

Siralin was hot...and bored. She wanted to duel with her sister, but her sister was doing Yoga exercises and would not be bothered. Siralin went inside the house and looked for some water, unfortunately there was none. "No water?!?!?", Siralin cried, "What kind of wizard house is this?!?!?!" Getting her wand, she made a spell right then and there. Too frustrated to say anything understandable she screamed, "Boolaroysilaree!" Some sort of liquid shot out from her wand, which ricocheted to Pepper. "What the...!!!" Pepper was hot, humid, and angry. Thinking that her sister had sprayed her intentionally (to distract her from her Yoga exercises), she  raised her wand, and hissed, "Crackle-pop!!" and screamed almost simmultaneously "What did you do that for?!?" at her sister. A hand came shooting out from Peppers wand and pinched Siralin's ear, making Siralin look at her. Siralin wined, "I just wanted some water!" What an unbelievably stupid answer, Pepper thought. Angrier now because Pepper thought Siralin lied to her, Pepper screamed, wand pointed at the air, "Ludali--" and water GUSHED out of the wand. Pepper was so angry (it was a VERY hot day). Siralin was panicking, the water came at her  like it was from a hose! She stuttered, "Fizz!" another nonsense word she said accidentally because she did not know what else to say. Brown crackly stuff came out of her wand, which combined with the water coming out of Peppers wand. "What's happening?!?!" the sisters said at the same time. "Aaaahhh!!!" they screamed, a whole ocean of the stuff was coming at them! The tremendous amount of this stuff flooded them, and they got a huge gulp of it...before it went straight to town. "That’s really good!" Siralin exclaimed, smacking her lips. "Yummm..." Pepper agreed. By then, the whole town of Hubbadee was flooded with this stuff, but they didn’t mind it, because it was really good. They named the drink Pepsi. Thus famous duel of the Cordack sisters is better known as the Pepsi Duel.

Adam Forest(ad090)
In 1476, a great duel occurred between a famous auror, Dirkwood Forest. And a powerful wizard, Jurkle Dork. Forest was sent by the ministry one day to fight Dork. He traveled many miles all the way to Dork's Manor. He tried to open the gates but he couldn't. He tried for hours with all his charms but none would work. He then remembered he could apparate! (duh) Feeling a bit sheepish, Forest apparated past the gates and proceeded to the house. He wanted to "psyc-out" Dork. This was working. Dork was sending out all his security. Forest however kept his cool and blasted them out of his way. Dork had to face Forest. He had no choice. He grabbed his wand and apparated down to the yard.
Forest and Dork met eye to eye. They stood and stared at each other for what seemed like hours. Until finally Dork raised his wand "Expelliarmus!" This had caught Forest off guard. He fell to the ground with tremendous force. His wand flew from his hand. Dork quickly hurried over and picked it up. Forest didn't know what to do. So he ran at Dork, yelling as loud as he could. "Wingardium Leviosa!" called Dork. Forest felt himself lift into the air. Dork threw his head back and laughed. Forest thought frantically. He had no wand. He was practically as powerless as a muggle. What would a muggle do? Forest got an idea. He took off his shoe and threw it at Dork. It hit him in the nose and broke it. Dork dropped the wands. Forest fell to the ground and ran to get his wand. Dork got to his wand first. "Here is a new spell I've been working on, Forest. I hope you like it as much as I do!" said Dork in a crude voice. "Volcunus Openite Portalicate!" The ground below Forest began to shake. He looked down. The ground around him had turned into a large hole and at the bottom it was filled with lava. Forest quickly grabbed the edges of the hole. He held on end with his two hands and gripped the other side with his feet. "What! How could.. Forget it! I'll kill you the muggle way!" said Dork. He ran over and jumped up and down on Forest's back. Forest was thinking what to do next. His mind was blank. He then remembered the gate and what he did there. Forest disapparated  and reapparated next to the hole. Dork looked beneath him and saw only molten lava. "Oh poo" said Dork. He fell into the lava. Forest dusted himself off and went home for a cup of tea.

Icicle Black
In1762, around the time when colonies had started to flourish and exploration of the West American frontier was in the dreams of the many, it was Ericson Fredricus who decided that a duelling tournament would take place.

This would be the first of a series of  “Duelling Tournaments” to be held every 10 years. The world’s most powerful wizards and witches came from all over to take part. Ericson Fredricus and his friends created a circle which people would enter but not leave until the duel was done. There were simple but cruel rules. If You gave up, became unconscious, or died during the duel you lost and the other member advanced. During this first Duelling Tournament the Fredricus as the originator of the idea decided to play and showed his skills dramatically as he advanced to the final round.

The final round had a much bigger area in which to duel and now a protective spell was set around the ring. But one was not really needed. The ring was a small Island surrounded by Illickas and other nasty sea creatures that would rip you apart. A commentator by the name of Crief Sorton was announcing Ericson’s challenger,

"An 'ere ’e is folks... Miser Allecar Drestore!"

Red sparks were shot from the judges’ wands. The Duel Began with two loud cracks: simple sparks to test the wands’ powers. And then the spells began. Both duellers advanced in the art of defensive and offensive duelling. They began with a few witty charms.

"Choosel!" Called Ericson. Using a sneezing spell to hopefully send his opponent into a fit of allergy-like symptoms. But  Allecar knew the counter-spell "Excusu". And now HE was on the attack using a famous spell known simply as “The Blinding Spell”. Its use is obvious.

"Lumos Strobos!", he called. Ericson fell to  the ground, blinded by the flashing light. Half the audience and one of the judges was also blinded so there was an immediate time out.

After resuming the duel, many simple spells went out: the “Screeching Raven” a very noisy and precarious spell, an old but commonly used spell called “The Mosquito Swarm“, and many others which caused noise and distress to all but kept both duellers on their toes.

The duel ended spectacularly with a swift, gruesome ending by Ericson on Allecar by using a “Deprecate Spirit Hatchet” on him. The move is fatal, and illegal. At the moment before his inevitable death, the great Allecar sent out a gruesome spell known as the “Third Spirit Spell” or “Spirit Burn” and killed his opponent as well. The ghost of these two great men are frequently seen by on-lookers today when a similar duelling event known as “The Grand Duelling Festival”  takes place.  Although at THIS festival, duelling is done under strict control and guidelines. Though the two wizards killed each other, their ghosts  are always seen together and smiling. It was not uncommon in the duelling tournaments that followed that first tragic one for a death or two to occur. But none so outstanding and so memorable as the deaths of the two who began the legacy of  ‘The Duelling Tournament’.

Icicle Black
In these modern times, there are  rarely any duels that are not supervised and monitored to the point where mostly all you can do is splash each other with water or send sparks. Though at a time where there were  clashes between the different classes of society, things were VERY different.

In 1876 the king of a small European country and his daughter toured Italy. They saw many amazing sites and the king found a perfect person to court his daughter. But alas... so had she.

A handsome young man who was known to the king as Sir Caladrer and to the wizarding world Caladrer the Cruel. He loved women and would kill men for their brides. But when he heard that a king had offered his daughter’s hand to him, a loyal servant of the queen of England, he was most pleased. When the king’s daughter heard of this, she ran to tell her lover Doret Hagn who she knew to be a wizard, and asked if his magic could do anything against Caladrer. Sir Caladrer had just happened to have recently killed Doret’s father in order to take his sister from them, thus Doret was more than happy to confront him now that he threatened to take his bride as well.

Doret was angered that a knight of the queen and a wizard of such high class would take such a fair princess as this one like he had so many other girls. Doret confronted him in a field far from the city and took out his wand.

"You dog! I will not rest until you are unable to see or touch young girls again." Doret called and the battle began. It was a fight for princess Elmetia Candarnes and pride in the wizarding world.

Caladrer shouted out the “Hilarium Spell” but Doret dodged it easily. It seemed as though Caladrer could dish it out but was unable to take it as Doret performed a few well-aimed, degrading spells such as the “Strangel” dubbed "Turn-Your-Opponet-Into-An-Idiot" spell. It was extremely entertaining for Doret to watch Caladrer make a fool out of himself instead of others. Many sparks flew. The idiot spell wore off and Doret and Caladrer felt that it was time to end this once and for all. Caladrer lunged at Doret but had no time to speak for in an instant he disappeared after  Doret spoke these words:

" Kantceuollaso!" Which is the incantation for the disappearing spell.

Sir Caladrer was said to have died in a horrible stampede and that valiant Doret Hagn received his wounds trying to save the princess' soon to be husband. As reward he was allowed to marry the princess. A writer for a wizarding book company later sat down with the new prince and had him retell the events of that evening so they could be preserved forever. As for Caladrer... He was never seen again. Of course the spell must have worn off... And he must have died? Or maybe he is biding his time. Who knows what kind of revenge he might still hold for  prince Doret Hagn of Italy.

Draco Dormiens
Once, a long time ago there was a great wizard, this wizard went by the name of Merlin. Merlin was the greatest wizard to ever walk the planet, at least that’s what some say. Merlin was the guardian of King Arthur and his kingdom. One day, an evil wizard by the name of Zacharias Dormiens came to Arthur’s kingdom and challenged Merlin to a duel. If Merlin won, Arthur would continue to rule as king, if Dormiens won, then HE would become king. It was decided that the duel would take place in a secret location that only Merlin and Zacharias would be able to get to.

The duel would take place on a tropical island in the Carribean Sea. Merlin Disapparated to the island only to suddenly be hit by an “Expelliarmus Spell” as Zacharias apparated nearby. Dormiens caught Merlin’s wand and laughed as Merlin ran into the woods nearby. Luckily, Merlin having won  a professional tree climbing contest earlier that week, was able to climb quickly up the nearest coconut tree. When Zacharias came looking for him,  Merlin threw a coconut at him and hit him in the head. Zacharias dropped his own wand as Merlin dove from the three and quickly grabbed his wand from Zacharias’ grasp. Merlin and Zacharias arose simultaneously with wands in hand. “Stupefy!” cried Zacharias as Merlin screamed, “Impedimenta!” Both spells missed there intended targets. Zacharias jumped on Merlin and a fist fight broke out between the two. Merlin started to bash Zacharias with a coconut and finally Zacharias raised his wand and screamed, “Crucio!” Merlin staggered in pain as Zacharias unleashed the spell, "Now you die!" said Zacharias. He  raised  his wand one final time and screamed, “ Avada Kedavra!” As the green sparks flew toward Merlin he  had only one chance: he threw the coconut at the sparks and the spell bounced off the coconut and and hit Zacharias Dormiens. Dormiens died and Merlin saved Camelot once again.

...and some times in duels, one need not fight at all. Indeed one may find that one’s opponent may be clumsy enough to finish himself off on his own...

Scall Wintorn
In the fall of the Year of our Lord sixteen-hundred and sixty-three,
there fell upon the land a great sickness. And the sickness smote heavy
upon the land, and many died. The great wizards of Yore were revived,
and when they could not submit a cure, were banished to eternal
Heckfire. And in that land, in the great city of Myre, there dwelt a
young lad who went by Geoffrey, possibly because it was better than his
given name, Beelzebub (no relation). The lad Geoffrey, or Off, as he was
called by his few friends, had several weeks ago declared himself to
have aspirations to master the cryptic art of wizardry. His father
stopped that nonsense dead in its tracks, and Geoffrey proceeded to be
apprenticed to a candle smith.

You may now inquire whether this has anything to do with duelling. And to
that I answer Yes.

Geoffrey was one day out in the fields, when all of a
sudden and out of nowhere, there appeared unto him
a hideous apparition! It belted out a menacing laugh or two of the
ordinary variety, and then addressed him in an oddly high and squeaky
"Ahem. You Are The Great Knight Lancelot?"
Geoffrey, quaking to his very boots, shakily replied:
"N-n-n-no sir!"
The monstrous being towering above him let out a roar, then stared at
the gleaming black watch on his left appendage.
"Oh, piffle, missed again. RATS!"
He commenced pacing and muttering. After approximately half a minute -
which seemed an eternity to Geoffrey - he spun and glared at him.
"Of course, I can't let you live. So do me a favour and kill yourself?"
Geoffrey squeaked and sprinted toward a nearby barn.
The being sighed.
"Ah, these humans. SO unreasonable."
He fumbled in the pocket of his garment, and pulled out a large staff.
He squinted down its length at the scampering Geoffrey, and muttered
"Leningnius baybee!"
Unfortunately for the extra-dimensional dark magic heck-spawned being,
he didn't pronounce it correctly.
He dropped his wand in befuddlement as, instead of a rain of boulders
crushing Geoffrey, a bright light encircled him. He scratched his head
as it made several turns around his body. He was in the process of
making sounds of surprise when it begin spinning, carrying him with it.
Any last words he might have had ("I'll be back!", or "You haven't seen
the last of me!") were swept away in the tortured wailing of the very
air, as a inter-dimensional rift swung open on creaky hinges and he was
tossed merrily into it.

The door-shaped rift closed.

Geoffrey peered out of a crack in the old barn door.

He coughed as dust particles danced blithely in the mid-morning breeze.

He went home.

Geoffrey was never quite the same after that. He lived a very quiet
life, since the plague had very suddenly disappeared. His father was
amazed that he never mentioned magic again, but pleased. Geoffrey
married a lovely girl named Mary, and they lived ever after. And
Geoffrey became a master candle maker. And, it is said, that on certain
nights, if you go out in Brown's field, you can see a bunch of stars and
some sickly looking corn stalks.

The End

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