Fashion, Fashion, Fashion: How to get Fashion with Magic!
original idea: Alicia Jordan (al005)
editing and presentation: Calindra V. Riddle (ca036)
By: Alicia Jordan (al005)

Ever feel that you don't fit in because you don't have fashion? Do you always wear what was fashionable in the 1800s? Well here is your chance! This book will teach you how to be attractive, what the new fashions are and what to do if your wearing something that doesn't belong. Soon you will be Fashion King or Queen. There are potions, charms and spells that will help you get into fashion. Just read this book and people eyes will be  *popping out* at you! There is also a chapter for men how to get girls to love you and a chapter for women how to get men to go GAGA for you. By reading this book you will get Fashion by Magic!

Hope you enjoy reading this,
the Slytherins

Chapter 1: The Mystery of Fashion
By: Fran Scorpio (fr029)

Who decides what becomes fashionable? How is it determined? This is one of the great unsolved mysteries of life. Some people think it's the self-appointed "experts." Others think it's the masses. Certainly grass-roots choices have sometimes made a fashion statement powerful enough to prevail. An example of this in the muggle world is baggy pants. So-called "high fashion" is often unacknowledged by the public as too extreme or only for high fashion bodies.

In the wizarding community, fashion (in it's very nature changeable) and tradition share an uneasy balance. The traditional look will never be dead amongst our kind. Not when we have such venerable old wizards as Albus Dumbledore commanding great respect and reminding us of the best tradition has to offer. However, young people crave change and variety and, so, we do have changing fashions in our community.

One thing that makes it fairly easy to at least look "correct," are the wizard robes. Whether one is a blue jeaned type person or a more formal dresser, the robe is a great equalizer. What we are wearing beneath our robe is our business. However, even robes are subject to fashion as is especially evident with dress-robes. In the 19th Century, lacy frills were popular on dress robes. Men would strut around in fine lace, their hair powdered and wigged, cutting quite a fine figure. Today, that look seems quaint and antiquated. Simplicity is the rule for our generation. Witches and Wizards in dress robes are more likely to make themselves look fancy by playing with colour rather than lace. Dress robes come in every hue of the rainbow. Some popular colours are lavender, rose, blue, turquoise and silver. Of course, basic black is never out of style. Black velvet makes a wonderful dress robe.

In the past, it was considered de rigeur for a witch or wizard to wear muggle clothing underneath the robe. Today, with the busy, active lifestyles many of us are living, there just isn't time for that degree of detail. Throwing a robe over our muggle-wear has become a convenient and casual thing to do. That way, we can always remove the robe in order to run into town and buy a few groceries from the muggle store there, run back and throw on the robe again. When engaging in certain sports such as horseback riding, many of us find blue jeans a practical item of wear when we draw up our robes to avoid their being caught as we place a foot in the stirrup.

Unlike the muggle community, we don't really have much published in popular newspapers about fashion. We know how close or far we are from fashion by looking around. Perhaps this book will enable us to more exactly codefy and define the fashions of our community.

Chapter 2 No Frills attached
By: Illara Dumbledore (il001)

You want to be attractive to the opposite sex? You want to feel good about yourself? You want people to stop giggling at your abnormally large nose? Do you want to If you have answered yes to even one of these questions, this chapter is your new bible!!
Attraction...we love it and...well, I suppose the only thing we can do is love it, though it is annoying to find yourself attracted to someone unworthy of your magnificence. Of course, if you find yourself in this predicament, have no fear! Whip up a bad smell charm and put it on your new crush when they aren't looking...that will turn you off them! As for those who are attractive to the opposite sex, yay! For those unlucky ones, read our next chapter on magical cosmetic spells.
As for feeling good about yourself, just use a cheering charm on yourself! Nothing like good cheer to make your self esteem fly!
As for the nose thing...a poor man named S. Snape tried to shrink his with a Reductus only made him look like a hook nosed bat! Try to consult your local apothecary before you do anything that drastic...there might be an easy potion for you to use.
To be cool, you've gotta wear the "in" colour, and have your nails match your robes! A simple colouring charm can help you in that area!

Chapter 3: Magical Cosmetic Spells
By Alicia Jordan (al005)

You want to be put some make-up or cosmetic on? Don't have to go to a muggle shop because there you have to wait to make sure its in place. All you really need is to learn the spells. If you want a permanent change, than do the spell and say Remaneo. Here are the spells that are perfect for you:

Lipstick ~ Prolapsio Talea
Nail Polish ~ Clou Polissent (think of a colour while you say it)
Longer Nails ~ Engorgio
Blush ~ Rodna
Hair Gel ~ Coiffure
Add flowers to you hair ~ Nitidus Crinis
Brush ~ Peniculus
Powder ~ Pulvis
Eye Shadow ~ Oculus Umbra

Remember only to a permanent spell if you are sure you want it to stay because you can't take it out and it will stay on forever until the day you die! No spell will take it out even if you take out that body part and get a new one because in less than 24 hours it will come back. Now keep on reading!

Chapter 4: Hair
By: Day Baye (da029)

Would you describe your hair as... thin? If so, here is some great advice and spells you can use to correct your hair condition.

 If your hair is option and you do not like the way it looks on you, there are several things you can do to change that state. If you wish but to thicken your hair, to make it more like the Cover Girl's on Witches Weekly, there are several possible charms. If you want this change to be...


Pointing your wand at your head and looking into a mirror, whisper "*Korper klein addieren..*" When your hair has thickened to your satisfaction, remove your wand quickly and say "*Fin*" This spell will last a day at most.


Setting your hair in curlers, direct your wand to the base of your skull. Closing your eyes tightly, say "*Mehr sechs*" This spell will last for six weeks and then slowly fade.


Warning: This spell will not fade, will not grow out and will not stop affecting your hair until there is none left or you are dead. Charm requires professional help to remove.
Rub petroleum jelly into all parts of your hair. Dangle your wand over your head and recite the alphabet, then say "*Condensare*"

Chapter 5: Slight adjustments that say wow!
By: Marina Floyr (ma091)

Don't you ever feel like you want to kill your mums for picking out that awful rust-coloured robe that looks like it's from 3 centuries ago? You know the kind I'm talking about: "Mom! this is like...a relic from the days of Merlin!"

Well never fret, because these simple charms can change any set of dress robes from "with druids" to "with it".

1) Neckline Lowering - Do your parents only seems to approve of that high collar, buttoned up, frilly ruff nonsense that was in style when they went to wizarding school? Well never fear, as soon as you zip out of the house you can fix those robes to their skin baring beauty! Just point your wand directly below your chin where the fabric ends, say "summito textilis" and slowly drag the neckline of your robes down to the desired cut.

2)Robe Length - And what about those legs? Have you sseen Celestia Warbeck in witches weekly with those new mini-robes? Haven't you always wanted to bare those toothpick legs you've worked so hard to tone? Well say no more! Place your wandtip on the hem, say "libero textilis" and slowly draw up your robes to the desired length.

3)Arm Length - and what about those 3/4 sleeves? or spaghetti straps. Get rid of those nasty cuffs at the wrist! Point you wand at the end of your sleeve, and slowly bring the fabric up as you chant "inflecto armo textilis" 3 times.

It's fast, and keep up with the times!

Chapter 6: Hair and Eye Color
By: Faline Ekaterina (fa060)

I know how important eye and hair colour is, the way I see it, you are what your eyes say! If you wish for nicer coloured eyes, just close your eyes and tap your eyelids three times and say one of the following spells for the colour you wish.

Blue- Azulio
Green- Verdeo
Black- Nightius
Orange- Tangenius
Silver- Sterlingot
Red- Rosius
to go back to your original eye colour just say eyerevealacus

Now onto hair, hair is important in may ways such as it is crucial to have style, but colour is vital. Now hair colour is expensive and washes out, but if you have a wand you needn’t worry about buying hair dye, simply wet your hair and point to a tip of a strand of hair and choose a colour!!!!

here is a list of hair colours

Black - Midnightif
Silver- Nerious
Red- Martyious
Blonde- Drafiolius
White- Blankoius

Now if you want your old colour back just say Prevalious

Now don’t you feel glamorous! Go out there and turn heads with your eyes and hair!!!!

By: Calindra V. Riddle (ca036)

Ok so you have followed every fashion out there and applied ever charm out there on yourself: your hair is blue, your eye shadow orange, and your closet full of freaky stuff. So how do you get back to normal before jumping onto the next hot fashion track? Reversing each spell that you have used on yourself will take a while. So how do you reverse all fashion spells in one go? The naturo spell! Just point your wand at yourself and (using the swish and flick method of course) say "Naturo Retouris!". This spell will return you to your natural appearance: hair color, natural nail color, eye brow shape, everything that you have done to yourself will be reversed. The naturo spell also serves as a great make up remover at the end of a day. Don't scrub your face when you return tired from a party! Just use the naturo spell and you can then hit your bed! Save time and energy with the naturo spell!!!

Chapter 8: Just being yourself...but not to their eyes
By: Marina Floyr (ma091)

Lets just say you're the type that hates being forced into itchy, uncomfortable dress-robes every time an important social occasion comes up. Well now, throw on what’s comfortable, and let a tricky little spell do the rest. Though slightly difficult to cast, this spell can create an illusion that you're wearing different clothes than you really are. You'll still see and feel yourself in plain, casual black robes while appearing to wear a stunning gown at the next ball!

Illusionary glamour spell
Duration: 3 hours

First, close your eyes and create a vivid mental picture of what you're wearing. Then, slowly begin to circle your wand above your head, visualising in your mind the outfit you will be appearing to wear. Then, chant this incantation:

"muto mei vulticulus, mentis visum"

Everyone will see what you now picture yourself wearing, although if they glimpse a reflection of you (in a mirror, water, etc) they'll see what you're really wearing. So be careful with the magical facade of this spell!

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