Fashion Magic
by Ardita Mar, ar200, Hufflepuff

Do you feel your robes would be nicer if they had some buttons on them? Don't worry, there is a magical solution to your problem. You can create buttons of your choice by using the Buttononnus spell. Using this spell requires concentrating very hard on the button you want. Bad concentration will result in buttons with odd shapes, colors or placements on the robes. Also, you have to perform the spell once for each button, so be sure to maintain the concentration for all buttons, unless you want your buttons to look different from each other all the time. May we suggest a little practice with this spell before using it to dress up for a party?

Getting rid of buttons requires a similar spell. The Buttonoffus spell takes off buttons. This spell can take off buttons in two ways - either by just taking them off leaving them in your hand, so that you may easily attach them again later, or also curse them off completely. The only difference in use is the way you concentrate. Be warned though, that buttons that have been cursed off are gone forever - unless you remember the exact way they looked and can create new ones with the spell explained above.

However, buttons made from valuable materials, such as gold or silver, are more difficult to work with. This is due to the limited supply of those materials, and the highly magical dust contained within them. Only experts will be able to create such things as gold or silver buttons out of seemingly thin air, and this should not be attempted by beginners.


A belt is a decorative addition to any wizard's robe. For best effect, find the color that suits both your robes and your personality and mood. Meanings of colors is a separate study which we will not go further into here, but it should be kept in mind when choosing colors of robes and accessories.

Creating your belt can be everything from very easy to very complicated, depending on how complicated the design of the belt is. The common element of all spells having to do with belts is "Beltix". To understand the use of these spells, we list a few ones below:

Blu-beltix - gives you a blue, simple belt
Gri-in-beltix - gives you a green simple belt
Leatherix-beltix - gives you a simple leather belt>

All of these are just simple belts - no decorations, no belt clips or anything else. However, it's possible to create various other effects, too, but then you will need the simple belt first. Beltix-clippix gets you the belt clip. That spell works almost exactly like the button spell above. Decorations can be added by drawing them with your wand and then say "attach-it". As you can see, creating beautiful belts will require not only magical skills, but also artistic skill.

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