Into the Light - Attention Grabbing and Lumos Variation Spells
Edited by Zerch Barucar (Researched from many sources!)

The Following were created by Terra Elder ~ Before her first year at HOL!
Lumos Imago
  This spell will copy any picture you wish it to in light and will have it
float in the air.  You point your wand at the picture you want to copy and
say Lumos Imago! and the wand will begin to draw out a perfect copy of the
picture in light.  You must be concentrating on the image until the copy is
done.  Time varies on the size and detail of what your trying to copy.  To
get rid of the copy you point at it and say Nox Imago! and the copy will
fade away.

Lumos Ascribo
  This spell allows you to use your wand like a quill with light as your
ink.  Simply say Lumos Ascribo! and write a word in the air.  The word will
appear as if being written by a quill in coloured light.  The colour is
achived by concentrating on one colour while you say the spell. The words
will stay until you say Nox Ascribo! and then they will fade away.

Lumos Pingere
  This spell allows you to make free hand drawings of light.  Say Lumos
Pingere! and begin to draw your picture.  The picture will come out as white
light but can be "coloured" when the drawing is done.  The picture will
disappear with the words Nox Pingere!

Coloured Lumos
  To colour your drawing, or just to have pretty coloured light, say Lumos
"Substitute desired colour"! and your wand will produce a coloured light
that can be manipulated to color in the drawing.  The colours will fade away
with Nox Pingere! since this spell is to be used with the Lumos Pingere
spell and both are connected. The colour has to be a specific shade to get
the desired affect.  You can't just say Lumos Red or Lumos Green, it must be
a shade of red or a shade of green for it to work.  Works even better if you
say the colour in latin but this is not required.

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