*How To Look Beautiful*
*A Guide for the Vain*
Edited by Clinton Swish
Contributions by: Miette Bynny,

Glamour Spells are spells of illusion.  This Illusion can help the person who is casting give themselves more confidence about themselves to help them deal with everyday happenings. Yes, Glamour Spells can be superficial,like changing your eye colour or hair colour, but REAL Glamour spells help give the caster an aura of self confidence.
       Glamour Spells can help find you love...But it cannot create love. Only pure hearts can create love. The spells just give the caster a sort of  push in the right direction because he/she might lack the confidence to approach their possible match.  After the spell is cast it is up to the person to pursue what might be True Love.
        Glamour spells can also help one get out being pursued.  For example the famous Unwanted Spell/Invisible Spell. This spell is known by 2 names depending on where you are from.  Witches from the United States of America call it the Invisibility Spell. But for our purpose we shall call it the Unwanted Spell.  The Unwanted Spell lets the user cast a spell on the person for whom is bothering, annoying, Just can't take no for an answer, to just leave them alone.  This can also be used to stop the gossips and rumor spreaders from bothering you again.
      However, their are draw backs to these spells just like any other spell.  Since Glamour Spells are illusions, they mess with the castee's mind. If one cast these spells too much on one person because he/she cannot decide if they want to love this person or be loved by them. They can cause the castee to go insane. They lose their minds because of the constant switching of feelings. They no longer know how to distinguish love and hate.
       Yes, Glamour Spells are very helpful in achieving what one needs or wants. However, their is another spell that is more powerful than this. FATE. Just let what will happen happen. But if you are unhappy with your current status by all means give yourself a little push. But Be careful for what you wish.

Chapter 1
 Chapter 1 will deal with mainly 2 Glamour Spells, Eye Colour Spell and Hair Colour Spell. There are many more glamour spells but these two spells are the easiest to master. In no way am i stating that Glamour spells are easy to produce. These spells require concentration, determination, and thick skin since most of the beginners will probably see a disaster the first couple of tries. For example they might have half blue half orange eyes with purple hair. Not pretty! But again it's not easy being beautiful.
 Since this chapter deals with glamour the the person who wishes to conjure such spells must remember that Glamour is Only temporary. The spells can last for 1 hour or 15 minutes. Certain spells fade when the possessor forgets he/she conjured the spell.
Hair Colouring Spell
*3 orange candles (change and attraction)
or red candles (energy and attraction)
*Hand mirror or free-standing mirror
On a Full moon, Gather the ingredients above and go to a place where you can be undisturbed for 15 minutes.Light the three candles and place them in a triangle shape upon your alter. Allow yourself to become calm and centered. When you feel ready, place your hands over your hair and close your eyes. Visualize the color of your hair fading and fading, becoming white as the color drains from it. Hold the color within your hands. Slowly lower your hands above the candles and focus it into their flames. Allow the color to transform within the flames, becoming your desired hair color. Hold your hands over the flames and soak up the energy. Place your hands over your head again and allow the color to return to your hair, turning it the color you desire. Say the following charm:
Fire warm and Fire red,
Charm the hair upon my head.
Fire dance and Fire shine,
From _____ to _____, this wish is mine.
As I will, it now shall be,
By Fire, Water, Wind, and Tree.
With this, open your eyes and look at your reflection. If your hair has changed, it will last only a couple of minutes, or more, depending on how much energy you put into the spell. If the spell was not successful the first time, try it again another night. It takes much practice and ability to focus energy for this spell to be truly successful.

Remember: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!

Eye Colour Change
Close your eyes. You must have complete focus and be concentrating only on changing the eye color, any other distractions must be cleared from the mind. Now fill your mind with the color your eyes are, right now, naturally. Now see that color slowly change to the color you wish your eyes to become. See it overpower your natural color. Imagine that the color shines like a ray of light from inside your mind out through your eyes. Visualize your eyes becoming that color as the light passes through them.
At this very moment whisper the words:
"Muto Oculus"
(This process should take at least 15 minutes the first few times, and you will have to repeat it after awhile. Glamours fade as you "forget" them.)
Upon opening your eyes, you may or may not be able to see the change in the mirror. For a more accurate check of whether it worked, ask someone what color your eyes are. If they know you really well they may see past the glamour.

*The stronger you develop the talent to throw a glamour, the more people it can trick. It will take you practice. Good luck!

Chapter 2

In this chapter we will deal with love spells and invisibilty spells. The invisibility spell is not one where you can't physically see the person but emotionally see the person. the loves spells well they are self explanetory. But remember these spells will work but in order to achieve the full outcome of the desired effect, the caster must always do thier part in making the relationship a pure relationship. Not just a facade. These spells are to help the person find love not CREATE love or vice versa with the invisibility spells.
The first spell we will learn is called the Revealing Spell.  The Revealing Spell helps reveal the one you are in love with will be your spouse.
To reveal your spouse do the following:
In the morning, as soon as you arise, peel a small lemon. Keep two equal pices of the peel, each about the size of a half-dollar. Place the pieces with the insides together and the peel sides out, and put them in your right-hand pocket or in your purse. Then say "Uxor Postremo". After you said these words leave the peels there all day.
At night, when you undress for bed, take the peel from your pocket or purse and rub the legs of the bed with it. Then place both pieces of the peel under your pillow and lay down to sleep. Repeat the words "Uxtor Postremo" again. If you dream of your love, then you will surely marry him/her.
The second spell is called the Notice Spell. This spell help get the one you love to notice you.
To perform the Notice Spell:
You need to find their footprints in the earth. You then dig up this footprint (more correctly, the earth in which it is impressed). Take the earth to the nearest willow tree and, making a hole in the ground at its base, put the footprint earth into the hole, filling it over with the original dirt. As you are burying the footprint this way, say:

"Many earths on earth there be,
I make my love know unto thee.
For He is the flower and I the stem;
He the cock and I the hen.
Grow, grow willow tree!
Sorrow not for the likes of me."

From then on you will find that the person you yearn for will indeed start to notice you. Where it goes from there, of course, is up to you.
The third spell we will learn is similar to the Notice Spell. This spell is called the Attracting Spell.  The Attracting Spell is for use by people that already have a loved one but the loved one is not paying attention to them.
To perform the Attracting Spell
Sit before a dying fire and gaze into it, clearing your mind of all but thoughts of your lover. Have a small basket of laurel leaves between your knees. Keeping your gaze fixed on the fire, dip your left hand into the basket, take out a handful of leaves, and toss them onto the fire. As they burst into flames, chant out loud the following:
"Laurel leaves that burn in the fire,
Draw unto me my heart's desire."
Wait until the flames have died down, then repeat the action. Do it a third time. After you have done it the third time say "Delecto Amor".  Within 24 hours your lover will come to visit you.
The fourth spell is called the Unwanted Spell. Some people are wooed by persistent would-be lovers, those who won't take no for an answer and who won't leave them alone. This is the ideal spell for such a situation. It should be done during the waning cycle of the Moon - that is, after the Full Moon and before the New Moon.
When the moon is in the waning cycle:
 Have a roaring fire going, then go outside and pick up two handfuls of dry vervain leaves (you can place them on the ground ahead of time, if necessary.) As you pick them up, shout out the name of the one you wish to be rid of. Turn and go into the house (or cross to the fire if this is all done out in the open) and fling leaves onto the fire with the words:
"Here is my pain;
Take it and soar.
Depart from me now
And offend me no more."

Do this for three nights in a row. After you do this on the third night shout out the name again and say the words " Nihil Amor".  You will hear no more from the unwanted ones.

Again, remember spells can only do so much for a relationship. It is up to the caster to follow up on the spells.
There is also a down side to casting love spells and invisibility spells. If a person keeps changing spells on the same person, for example get them to notice them then get that same person to unnotice them, this will create confusion in the castee. Emotions will go crazy and the person will eventually loose thier minds if they have been casted upon too many times.
Remember, a mind is a terrible thing to waste and nothing can heal a broken heart. Not even Magic.
***Extra Info.  If a person were to start a relationship get married, etc. here arer some dates that are deemed unlucky.

January  1, 2, 6, 14, 27
February  1, 17, 19
March  11, 26
April  10, 27, 28
May  11, 12
June  19
July  18, 21
August  2, 26, 27
September  10, 18
October  6
November  6, 17
December  5, 14, 23
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