Interesting Spell Facts
By Clinton Swish

* The oldest spell known is the spell to make fire.

* the hardest spells known are: The Eclipse Spell (blocks out the sun), Tsunami spell (causes gigantic tidal waves), the Time Stopper Spell (stops time and motion for 48 hours), and the hardest, which is also the most powerful Dark Magic spell, Armageddon (causes the nine planets to align, then summons a huge meteor which, in theory, knocks into Pluto and sends Pluto knocking into Neptune and so forth, this continues until mercury crashes into the sun and the sun implodes, causing a giant black hole, the entire spell effect is said to take 8 months to complete.)

*The simplest spells known are: Lumos, Nox and the spell to make fire.

* The most difficult spells to pronounce are the ancient beast summoners made by Fjanqu Kquicksninti, a necromancer who tried to use traditional wizardry to summon ancient beasts from the Outer Realms. Here is a rarely seen copy of the spell used to summon Leviathan:
"Quoc new ya Levi na na than Leviathan quin elt toe o sen buck el tro quoc new ya fis ps rn blnk trun to sen new ya"

* The "funniest" spell is the "All Joke" spell, it makes the person the spell was cast on go into fits of absolute hysterics at every word spoken. One person has died from the effects of this spell, they laughed so hard they either forgot to, or couldn't, draw in breath.

* The strangest spell known, as no one known the effect of it is the (now dubbed), "Mysterio Spell". In the origional writing the spell is called: . The incantation is known ("Fomhoir"), and is known as an ancient race of Ireland, but nothing else is known.

* The spell with the most variations is "Lumos", with many different varities of light, brightness and colours.

* The "Lumos" incantation always seems to be done subtly, either muttered, whispered, said or spoken quietly, but never has the incantation "Lumos" been shouted, sung shrieked or spoken in an angry voice, the same as with "Nox"

* The most boring spell known is "Dustopil", it makes dust pile up in an area.

* The most curious spell is "Appen", it makes small, inanimate objects (feathers, reels of cotton, shot glasses etc) grow tiny little legs and start walking.

* The most advertised spells are wand protection charms (anti-shatter hexes, wand finder whistle jinx, theif alert charm, cleaning charm etc)

* The spell with the most use in magic hospitals and to medi-wizards is "Phote", it creates a big batch of phoenix tears to heal someone.

* Another strange spell is "Trebele", the little sparksof light the spell produces turn into tiny little birds (approx 1cm long) after a few days.

* The most violent spell is the "Cruel Death" spell. I'll spare the details here (because of the younger children)

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