Standard Book of Spells Grade 1
By Miranda Goshawk

Welcometo the world of Magic Spells. My name is Miranda Goshawk. Inside this book are the basic and not so basic spells you should learn in your first year of wizard education.
They are listed in alphabetical order, some will be harder than others, but most are very interesting and fun to cast!!!!
Avis (AH-vis)
Conjures a small flock of little twittering birds. This charms is a brilliant spectacle at parties.

Cold (Coughing) Spell
Tussios (tus-EE-os)
Causes incessant coughing. A popular curse, many muggles get caught in the cross fire, as this spell travles far.

Darkness Spell
Nox (noks)
This spell turns off the light from a "Lumos" spell

Fire-Light and Smoke
Fumos (foo-MOSS)
This spell conjures a little fire at the tip of your wand and also conjures up smoke so people won't be able to see you, very simple for first years to learn

Fool command
Balatronutus (bal-A-TRO-nut-us)
This spell commands the adversary to become foolish and do foolish things.

Four Point Spell
Point Me
This is a simple, yet rare charm, as the incantation is in english. Performed with the wand laying flat on the open palm of the caster. When the words are spoken, the wand rotates to point north.

Full Body Bind
Petrificus Totalus (pe-TRI-fi-cus toe-TAH-lus)
This spell, quite a nasty little one, makes the victims body go stiff as a board.

Jelly-Legs Jinx
Locomotor Flubb (lo-co-MO-tor fl-UBB)
This funny hex causes the targets legs to wobble uncontrollably.

Leg-Locker Curse
Locomotor Mortis (lo-co-MO-tor MOR-tis)
This curse makes the legs of the victim lock together, renderingthem unable to walk.

Light Spell
Lumos (LOO-mos)
Absolutely the easiest spell you can learn. It causes a small beam of light to shine from the end of the casters wand. the spell to turn the light off is "nox", see above (Darkness Spell). There are many versions of Lumos:

Name in English: Kindly Light
Spell Name: Lumos Comis
Spell Command: Lumos Comis (Spoken softly)
Spell Effect: Alters all light from candles, electrical lamps and spells to a rosy hue. Generally used by vain and elderly people who prefer the illusion of health and youth.
Difficulty: Not difficult.
Backfire: No backfire.

Name in English: Harsh Light
Spell Name: Lumos Testis
Spell Command: Lumos Testis! (Spoken in a threatening, commanding voice)
Spell Effect: This spell is cast on a person. Any light they see seems much brighter and more of a blue / white hue. Some normal physical effects of lying (such as eye contraction) magnifies the effects greatly, leaving the subject feeling as if they are under a spot light.
Difficulty: Although it is not difficult once learned, it can be very hard to practice enough to learn this.
Backfire: No appreciable backfire, although it is rumored to give headaches to the caster if the subject does not lie.

Name in English: Romantic Light
Spell Name: Lumos Sub Rosa
Spell Command: Lumnos Ros (spoken in a gentle whisper)
Spell Effect: A defused, warm, golden glow fills the room this is used in. It's very calming to most people.
Difficulty: For some reason, only fairly mature wizards and witches can do this spell, although they report it is easy. This spell is often uses as a component to love spells.
Backfire: When cast incorrectly, it leaves a florid red glow around the neck and cheeks for weeks.

Name in English: Growing Light
Spell Name: Lumos Solarus
Spell Command: Lumos Sol! (Spoken cheerfully)
Spell Effect: Creates light usable by plants to grow in a healthy manner. Especially good for growing fruit and vegetables in the winter.
Difficulty: Very difficult, only highly trained adults can do this.
Backfire: Tends to burn down greenhouses with great regularity. A fire caused by a badly cast Lumnos Solarus spell is notoriously hard to put out with or without magic.
Special Note: Much to the disappointment, and on occasion, the painful dismay of Dark Creature Hunters, the light emitted by Lumos Solarus has no particular effect on vampires other than to annoy them.

Name in English: Black Light
Spell Name: Lumos Stygian Gastica
Spell Command: Lumos Gastica
Spell Effect: Makes certain materials glow (fluoresce) with eerie colors unlike what is seen under normal sun light. This spell is especially good for finding 'hidden writing' on documents.
Difficulty: Moderately Difficult, 6th or 7th year at Hogwarts may be able to do this.
Backfire: None
Note: Mispronouncing can be a big problem and so young witches and wizards are rarely taught this spell. There are several spells very similar to Lumos Stygian Gastica, such as: Lumos Gastico, Lumos Gasco, Lumos Gasticia - (See Moste Potente Charms for details)

Repair Hex
Reparo (re-PAR-oh)
This spell undoes (fixes) damage to an object. (e.g. glass, wood etc)

Serpent Strike Hex
Serpensortia (ser-pen-SOR-sha)
Causes a large serpent to burst from the end of the opponents wand.

Sticky Surface Spell
Epoximise (EE-pox-EE-mise)
Turns a surface into a solid consistence of sticky glue. It is very hard to get something that is stuck to the surface unstuck.

Sulphur Fumes
Vermillious (ver-mill-EE-ous)
Engulfs a room with a strong smelling, brownish cloud of sulphur. It is harmless, compared to real sulphur fumes, it just forms the pungent smell.

Take Root!
Pieda Rootaus (pee-e-da rue-tus)
Causes someones legs to turn into plants and take root into the ground.

Tarantula Dance Hex
Tarantallegra (TAIR-an-tuh-LEG-ruh)
This old spell was once used in Taranto, Italy, as a cure for spider bites. It causes the "victim" to dance uncontrollably, the general idea was that the dancer would sweat out the spider poison whilst dancing.

The Typical Muggle Magician Flowers-out-of-the-tip-of-the-wand Spell
Orchideous (or-KID-ee-us)
This spell, is a recreation of a typical "Muggle Magician spell", used to make a bouquet of flowers burst from the end of your wand.

Tickling Charm
Rictusempra (ric0tu-SEM-pra)
Causes the victim to laugh unconrollably, the flash of light that appears after this spell turns into hands and start tickling the victim.

Unlocker Spell
Alohamora (AL-o-oh-MOR-ah)
This charm unlocks doors, windows and will also open doors etc that are stuck shut.

Water Bird
Avifors (ah-vi-fors)
Turns pure water into a lovely blue coloured phoenix-like bird.

Wingardium Leviosa!
Wingardium Leviosa (win-GAR-dee-um lev-ee-OH-sa)
A very simple spell taught to first year charms students. Causes a feather to levitate.
Reference in Real Life: In an excellent example of how intention affects magic, Ron Weasley (of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry) used this spell to make a mountain troll's club levitate and then crash back onto its own head, even though the "wing" portion of the spell seems specific to feathers.

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