Chapter THREE:

Latona Epans(la003)
Name: induviae absens, or the Stripping Spell
Incantation: induviae absentis
Pronunciation: in-DOO-vee-ay ab-SEN-tis
Details: This spell was invented in 1921 by Frederic von Stephen, a European wizard who got annoyed at his elder brother Augustin, a local Quiddich champion, one day. Frederic was the brains of the family although his family preferred the elder brother's sports skills to Frederic's academic skills. Frederic decided to come up with a spell to attack his brother with while Augustin was playing Quiddich, something that would publicly humiliate him. So he developed this stripping spell. This spell also had a hidden advantage - It caused Augustin to fly away in emmbarrassment. When Augustin challenged him to a duel the next day in an attempt to regain his dignity, Frederic simply used the spell again to the same advantage and won the duel as Augustin ran away with his hands covering as much as they could which obviously made it  impossible for him to point a wand.

Effect: The spell causes it's intended victim's clothes to quickly rip away from the owners body, leaving them naked, embarassed and wanting to run away, rather than continue duelling. The clothes float away too fast for the victim to catch and also disintegrates so that they may never be worn again.

Hermione Lucky(he086)
Name: The Cross Eye Spell
Incantation: ruhokus!
Pronounciation: Raw*hawk*us

Details: A dragon catcher of 1605, by the name of Rohannah Yuma, from Egypt, was looking for a simpler way to catch dragons. He was a very smart wizard, the only brains in his large family. So he invented a spell that would enable him to catch the dragon, while the dragon was confused, the switching spell. He was one of the most famous dragon catchers of his time, and no one ever knew how he caught the dragons so effectively. However, in 1610 his youngest sister, Sohannah, was attending Basetrum, the largest school of Magic in Eastern Asia, when for Christmas Rohannah's owl brought her the one piece of parchment on how to do the spell that her brother owned, instead of the Christmas card intended for Sohannah. Sohannah was a bitter person, so she immediately arranged a duel between her arch rival and herself. She used the Cross Eyed Spell, then took her memory, and left her confused in the great hall. Sohannah didn’t perform a good  memory charm and thus was expelled as her rival reported her to the headmaster. Sohanna later told the Daily Prophet about the spell, and now it is used frequently in duelling.

Effect: Makes the opponents eyes cross, so that they're not sure where to shoot the spell at. They will usually fall over also, making it even easier for you to perform other spells at them.

Faline Ekaterina(fa060)

A Famous Feud...

“The battle At Drear” ,the island off the northernmost tip of Scotland, also referred to by some as the “Drunken Duel” is one of the strangest in our long history of duelling .It involved two families The MacCliverts and The MacBoons. It is said to have started when Dugald(*1) insulted Quitius's(* 2) wife saying she had the face of a MoonCalf(*3) after which  Quintius who was not very skilled in magic, much like the rest of his family, tried to give Dugald the Jelly legs jinx and consequently failed. The duel went on for hours. After many days, the families finally decided to go to sleep but in their sleep a horrible thing happened to the MacBoons The McClivers snuck up on them and transfigured them into what is now known as a Quintaped(*4). Alas the McClivers sneeky move was far from wise for, though unskilled in magic, the MacBoons proved to be quite excellent monsters and they destroyed all the McClivers. It is reported that a young boy by the name of Rubius Hagrid was able to capture a Quintaped and  had a friend transfigure it back to its original self to discover Quintius MacBoon, the leader of the MacBoon clan, who then went on to tell this story and give us a few forgotten curses that were used in the famous “Battle at Drear”.

The Nitter Curse
Incantaion: Bilindaris
Pronunciation: Bil-In-Darus

The Bilindius curse is rather more of a jinx. Its effects are disastrous and can be very gross. It was used in the middle ages on those who had the plague and is not very pretty to the eye as it causes horrible lesions on the body thus making it hard for one to move

The effect of this curse is similar to the plague, although it is not deadly. It is very painful as lesions spring up on the mouth, arms, and legs. It has only one cure and that is to place mashed horlumps paste  to the wounds

The Liningno Jinx
Incantaion: Leningnius
Pronunciation: Len-ein-gnuis

History: Developed in the stone age as a means of hunting, this curse would hurl stones at the target. It is said that the cave wizards invented it after seeing wind in the form of a tornado swirl rock around. One of the cave wizards who we believe to be have been called Parag, saw the tornado and saw its awesome force kill the buffalo he was hunting.He decided to come up with a spell that could mimic the tornado’s rock hurling forces. Cave muggles who also saw the tornado and its effects, learned to throw stones at animals to kill them. That’s the history of the Liningno curse

Effects: This curse has long diminished in power and now only rains pebbles on the one’s opponent head and body. But as  it is hard to see properly in such a situation,  it makes for a good confusion jinx

*1 the leader of the McCliverts
*2 the leader of the McBoons
*3 &4 see Quintaped And Mooncalf in “Fantastic Beasts And Where to Find Them” 54th edition

Fran Scorpio(fr029)
Name: Forgetmeall
Incantation: loseriosoma
Pronounciation: loser-eee-oss-im-a
Details: Invented in the fifth century by Hermann Pendragon when he was supposed to debate Matthew Sinclaire. He wanted to improve the odds for victory and devised a spell that would make Mr. Sinclaire forget his debating notes. Pendragon crept up upon his opponent while he was writing his notes for the upcoming debate. He pointed his wand at the notes and pronounced the incantation. Sinclaire finished writing his notes and proceeded to the place where the debate would be held. However, he noticed while he was halfway there that his notes were missing. He rushed home to get them but couldn't find them anywhere. He had to go to the debate without his notes. Needless to say, Pendragon won easily. After he got home, disgraciously defeated, Sinclaire found his notes lying right on top of his desk.
Effect: Makes your opponent unable to find a particular object the next time he looks for it. Wears off in about 12 hours.

Fran Scorpio(fr029)
Name: Disappearing Spell
Incantation: kantceuollaso
Pronunciation: kant-see-you-ol-ass-a
Details: Invented by Hershel the Great in the 16th Century when he was duelling Mandrake the Magician. He pointed his wand and said "kantceuollaso" and POOF! Mandrake the Magician disappeared. Everybody thought he had been eliminated but he was still there. However, he was unable to let anybody know he was there. They couldn't see or feel or hear him. It was as if he were  vapour. Hershel claimed the victory and acquired the reputation as a powerful wizard. To everyone's great surprise, Mandrake showed up again three days later. Moreover, Mandrake knew lots of people's secrets because he had spent his time eavesdropping on everybody. He made a good living on blackmail from that point on. Hershel decided to try to put the spell on himself but it backfired and made *him* unable to see anything. It is a spell that only works properly when done on someone else.
Effect: Makes your opponent invisible, inaudible, and untouchable for 24 hours to a week

Fran Scorpio(fr029)
Name: The Sneezing Spell
Incantation: choosel
Pronounciation: chew-sell
Details: Hairy Harry, a wizard who lived in the 17th century, was duelling with Misseria Manson. They were circling each other, trying to get a clear shot while avoiding the wand of the other when Harry yelled "CHOOSEL" at Manson. Immediately, Manson began to sneeze. An onlooker handed him a handkerchief but he used it up within ten minutes. Distracted, he dropped his wand and Harry was able to inflict a full body bind on his unfortunate opponent. Once he was bound, Harry delivered the antidote to his spell, "excusu" which stopped the sneezing.
Effect: Makes someone sneeze uncontrollably. Antidote is "excusu."

Wolfie Jinn(wo037)
Name: The Waterfall
Incantation: Cascada or Cascada Medio
Pronounciation: (Kas-*kah*-dah) (May-*dee*-oh)
Details: This clever spell was invented by Spanish wizards on Crusade in the medieval times. Being Spanish during those times was a dangerous business, wizard or muggle. With the invasion of the Moors as well as the call from the Catholic Church for the Crusades, water always seemed to be in short supply in the drier regions. This spell was therefore invented to bring a water source to bear for the warrior wizards' horses and pack animals. In the past two centuries it has been modified as a duelling spell. It was first used as a duelling spell by Manuel De Valera in 1755 against the dark wizard Quixote Rodriguez, when Rodriguez attempted to cast a spell incriminating De Valera as a wizard for later witch hunt tribunals.
Effect: The spellcaster's wand should be pointed at a dry streambed or other area where a large and sudden saturation of water will not cause severe flooding. The incantation is spoken and a waterfall from the sky rains down to the specified location. The duelling purposes of the spell (Cascada Medio) halves the spells power and causes one’s opponent to suddenly be washed off his or her feet. Sometimes used as a disarming spell when the standard "Expelliarmus" fails.

Wolfie Jinn(wo037)

Spells of Roma Origin Popular in Modern Duelling...

Gypsy spells are popular in many areas, not just duelling. Love and money spells seem the most prolific, with the occasional good luck charm thrown in for good measure. What many do not realize is that Roma wizards, an endangered breed themselves, are excellent duellists with some wonderful spells. Mentioned below are several popular duelling spells used by Roma and non-Roma duellists alike.

Name: Deer Foot
Incantation: Li ha'irden
Pronunciation: (lee nah'*eer*-duhn)
Details: This Roma spell is thought to have actually come with them from India as a former warrior class. Over time it has been transformed into a spell to increase one's speed in a battle, whether to flee or go toward the fight. Bartholomew Critis first used this spell in 1499 while fleeing from a maddened mob who did not appreciate his mind charms in gaining food and supplies for his caravan. It is said the incantation merely sprouted from his mouth and took effect. Another fine use of this spell was by Besty Barken and Charlotte Giles of Liverpool England in 1887, who engaged in duels often, prolonged one duel for three days using this charm to run around the city, blasting away at each other and causing a Ministry nightmare.
Effect: Point wand at self and speak the words and the speed of a deer is given to the caster. The effect lasts approximately five to ten minutes, depending on the size and ability of the caster. Witches tend to have more speed, probably owing to their lighter body mass. It has been noted that a heavy set woman, though, will still move faster with
this spell than a man of lighter build. Why this happens is unknown.

Name: The Union Spell
Incantation: Shena
Pronounciation: (shayna)
Details: This Roma spell fell into disuse during the time of Vlad the Impaler and is only used in Western European wizard duels. The exact story behind its fall from grace in Eastern Europe is thought to come from the story that one of Vlad's officers used the spell on a Moorish commander. The Moor was also a wizard and thus countered the spell, ricocheting to Vlad himself. The already unstable muggle went further over the edge, killing his officer and many others in the process. Its Western European use is more to end a duel through peaceful means.
Effect: When the caster's wand is pointed at his opponent and the incantation spoken, it succeeds in making the opponent friendly and docile to the caster.

Anna Knyte(an060)
Name: Ulcer Spell
Incantation: Venter Cruditas
Pronounciation: ven-ter croo-dee-tas
Details: Made by the great Wilmalinne Ronda, and supposedly helped by her friend Skinny Willy. Wilmalline was a great duellist, and when she was only 5 she was the greatest dueller in her village. A time came when she met her match. During the famous duel of 1359, Wilmalline was fighting Willy. The duel continued for 3 days, in which Wilmalline felt VERY hungry on the 3rd day. Willy though, was not. Wilmalline was soon going to die from hunger, and worse, she was going to lose the duel. She made this spell on the spot, and got the Underground Global Spell Awards for her invention. Willy soon became her close friend.
Effect: Makes the opponent VERY hungry. This spell will make acids in the stomach 100% more active, these increase acid activity will lead to great stomach pains. If the victim doesn’t eat in 10 minutes, the acids will burn holes through one’s stomach and can lead to death.

Fran Scorpio(fr029)
Name: Hilarium Spell
Incantation: tikatikatika
Pronounciation: tee ca tee ca tee ca
Details: It was invented in the fourth century by Katheryn de Hennesey and first used in her duel with Nicolas the Gruff. Nicolas had tried to appropriate Katheryn's land and a duel ensued. He pointed his wand at her, pronouncing, "crucio." She jumped aside in time to avoid his curse and sent her counter spell at him, shouting, "TIKATIKATIKA!" He immediately behaved as if he was being tickled, laughing, and losing concentration during the duel. Then he fell to the ground, rolling around, trying desperately, to catch his breath. After letting him suffer for 15 minutes, she pronounced, "akita" which stopped the effects of her spell. As he lay, gasping for breath, she stood over him and declared, "The land is mine." He acquiesced weakly.
Effect: Puts opponent in a state of helpless giggles. If the spell isn't removed by a counter-spell, victim falls on the floor and laughs hysterically until he collapses.

Ayesha Nitehawk(ay004)

Name: Anti Moon Dance

Incantation: Econtra Luna Chorea

Pronunciation: Ee-Con-tra Lu-na Chor-E-A

Details: The Moon Dance occurs when a wizard or witch uses a pure lithium/moonstone wand to harness the Moon's energy. This wand causes a lunar eclipse and the moon appears as if it is dancing. Using the power of the lunar eclipse and the wand, the wizard or witch is able to harness the energy and become endowed with extreme power. It is also rumored to rejuvenate as well, but this is as yet undocumented.

Effect: (what it does to the opponent): By using the Econtra Luna Chorea and Double Carbonate Wand (a black carbon shaft with a white diamond), the combination thwarts anyone trying to cause a Moon Dance. It re-focuses the Moon's full energy rendering the evildoer powerless. A possible side effect is that the person the Econtra Luna Chorea is used against might disintegrate into tiny atoms.


Special Agents Sebastian Nitehawk and Darnell Locke-Wynthrope were assigned to track down Baron Karl Egon Tanhausen who had stolen a Lithium Wand from Queen Victoria's Wizard and had also usurped a pure moonstone from the private collection of Lady Agatha Lewis-Thornton.

Agents Nitehawk and Locke-Wynthrope tracked Tanhausen to the edge of the Forbidden Forest on the grounds of Hogsworth School where Tanhausen was to use the Lithium Wand mated to the Moonstone in order to provoke the Moon Dance.

Agents Nitehawk and Locke-Wynthrope arrived in time to see Tanhausen use the Wand to bring forth the Moon Dance. Agent Nitehawk used his personal wand in an attempt to stop the fiend, but was unsuccessful. However, Agent Nitehawk had a second wand, a Double Carbonate with black carbon shaft and clear diamond. With the Ravenclaw energy provided by Agent Locke-Wynthrope, Agent Nitehawk incanted the Econtra Luna Chorea causing his wand's jewel to turn blood red and emitting a fierce red energy bolt to defeat the fiend Tanhausen.

As a consequence, Tanhausen's body was never found, just a crater remained. His illicit wand was recovered and safely dismantled then returned to its rightful owners.

The Muggle Bureau of Investigation deemed this case officially closed, however, with the body of Tanhausen never recovered, the possibility loomed that he was still on the loose and caution should be exercised.

See "Moon Dance" in the Slytherin Library for Agent Darnell Locke-Wynthrope's recollection of the case in question. (

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