Dear Mr. Gates:






Date:  Mon, 26 March 2007  12:00 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Caution of No Paranormal Activities and Tony Snow's 'Caution' Surgery




Tony Snow smiles as he is introduced by President Bush as his new Press Secretary in the Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House in Washington in this Wednesday, April 26, 2006 file photo. Presidential spokesman Tony Snow is undergoing surgery Monday to remove a growth in his lower abdomen, a procedure he said was being done 'out of an aggressive sense of caution' because he had colon cancer two years ago.

(AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, FILE)
AP via Yahoo! News - Mar 23 10:07 AM


White House press secretary Tony Snow, right, laughs after throwing a jacket over the head of political strategist Karl Rove as the two arrive on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, March 20, 2007.

(AP Photo/ Haraz N. Ghanbari)
AP via Yahoo! News - Mar 20 2:33 PM





Bush spokesman Tony Snow to have surgery


By JENNIFER LOVEN, Associated Press Writer

Fri Mar 23, 4:11 PM ET


WASHINGTON - Presidential spokesman Tony Snow is undergoing surgery Monday to remove a small growth in his lower abdomen, a procedure he said was being done "out of an aggressive sense of caution" because he had colon cancer two years ago.

Snow said Friday that cancer tests have been negative since the growth — about the size of the tip of his small finger — was discovered in his lower right pelvic area. He said he feels fine but decided to have it removed now rather than having to continue monitoring it.

"Please do not leap to conclusions about this because we don't know what this is," Snow told reporters. "We know it's coming out and I know I'll be back soon."

Snow, 51, had his colon removed in 2005 and underwent six months of chemotherapy after being diagnosed with colon cancer. He and his wife have three young children. Snow undergoes regular tests, including a PET imaging scan to help doctors see how organs and tissues are functioning, magnetic resonance imaging tests, and CAT scans to generate cross-sectional views and, if needed, three-dimensional images.

These scans revealed the growth in September. Though it has grown in size since, blood tests and further PET scans have not indicated a return of his cancer.






He said it could merely be biopsied to see if it is cancerous, and then periodically checked afterward if not, but that he would rather just have it out.

"Out of an aggressive sense of caution I'm going to go in for surgery," Snow said.

The press secretary joked about Monday's surgery, which will reveal whether his cancer has returned with the growth and possibly around it as well, saying he would "come back here a little lighter" than before. But it's not a minor procedure, and it will keep Snow away from the White House for several weeks, in the hospital for about a week and recovering at home after that. Deputy press secretary Dana Perino will assume Snow's duties in his absence.

The news came a day after Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, announced that her breast cancer has returned in an incurable, but treatable, form. Her husband's campaign will go forward.

"The biggest problem you have sometimes with cancer is flat-out fear," Snow said. "When you see an Elizabeth Edwards saying, 'I'm going to embrace life and I'm going to move forward,' that is a wonderful thing."

After hearing the news, John and Elizabeth Edwards called Snow, during a refueling stop in Salina, Kan., on their way to Los Angeles, to express their support and concern, said Edwards adviser Jennifer Palmieri.







March 5, 2007, I uploaded a caution in my paintings homepage to remind the visitors that my homepage contains no paranormal activities. Such caution attached on top of page 3of my 2006 paintings, and later also attached on the index.

Yesterday, Sunday March 25, 2007, on Fox News TV there was the news ticker about White House Press Secretary Tony Snow undergoing surgery Monday to remove a growth in his lower abdomen, a procedure he said was being done 'out of an aggressive sense of caution' because he had colon cancer two years ago. I have no idea whether the word ‘caution’ on the news ticker has anything to do with my using the word ‘caution’ in my homepage a few days earlier.











Date:  Mon, 26 March 2007  12:12 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Two Outstanding Debts



Around the year 1972, when I was in the first year of junior high school, I happened to receive a brochure about some books from the U.S., among them was the book of ‘4400 Guitar Cord’. A friend of mine Raidy Noor who likes to play guitar was interested in that book, and he gave me some money to buy it. Yet later on I was having some problems with my other friend that caused the failure to get the book.

It makes me have a debt of around US $ 79 to my friend Raidy Noor, and I hope to pay it before I die.


The next twenty years later, on May 22, 1992, after writing a response to an advertisement in the newspaper about an opportunity to immigrate to the U.S., I received a letter from a Law Offices in Florida. It was from Mr. George E. Crimarco, Holland and Knight Law Offices, 1200 Brickle Avenue, Miami, Florida 33131, phone (305) 374 8500. His other office was in 888 Seventeenth Street, N.W., Suite 900, Washington D.C. 20006, phone (202) 955 5550.

They asked me to send US $ 350, and I happened to get the money from a colleague who head the Jakarta office of a famous Indonesian cigarette company.

Later on I realized that I had misunderstood the offer, I thought the US $ 350 would be enough to get me a green card to immigrate to the U.S., while in fact I still have to get a sponsor, individual or company, to support my immigration to the US. And I failed to get one.

It makes me have a debt of around US $ 350 to Mr. Suwito D. from the cigarette company, and I hope to pay it before I die.


What concerns me most is the possibility that those debts could hinder my consent to move to the eternity. Therefore I am now trying to sell my paintings to be able to pay those debts.









Date:  Mon, 19 March 2007  12:31 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Painting Is Not Considered As Working





There is a unique problem of my efforts to sell my paintings. Some people considered my producing paintings is not a work, because what is considered as work is only the office work from the morning to the evening.

Of course this kind of consideration could raise questions from those working in the field outside the office, especially in the art field. I hope after writing this, there would be no more objections about my decision to choose painting as my work, my livelihood.

Besides, by selling my paintings I could later on, if I still alive, create my own company. Therefore I could create jobs, and not searching for job that is not easy in my country. I prefer to help people by providing jobs.










A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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