Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Sun, 19 August 2007  9:51 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Problem of No Credit Card With My Homepage at Yahoo Geocities




Please forgive me for sharing this problem with you.

On 12 August 2007 someone sent me an e-mail reminding me that I might have violated the rules in developing my homepage at Yahoo Geocities. After learning it I realized that the problem could be overcome by upgrading my homepage, from free service to Geocities Plus.

Actually the cost is not too high, only US $ 4.95 a month. And it is now even discounted to US $ 3.71 a month. After receiving some fund of US $ 175 from my cousin a few days ago, I can afford to pay the cost for more than a year.   

The problem is that I should pay it using credit card, while I have no credit card. I only have a debit card, and it does not work to pay for the cost at Yahoo Geocities.

And if I should apply to own a credit card, I would not be able because being a painting artist, the requirement is different from those working in an office. I should put some deposit, and it is more than US $ 1,000.

So now I have no idea whether I should continue this "Closing the Windows of Disaster" or not.

From the beginning I wrote this "Closing the Windows of Disaster", I was not concern about what I will get from writing all this. My concern was to inspire those who may inspired by these letters.

Or maybe the Yahoo people are thinking, considering that my writing has inspired the top ranking richest people on earth like you, Mr. Carlos Slim, Mr. Warren Buffett, why I keep using free homepage, not the homepage with monthly payment that provides much better services from Yahoo.

Since I am not the one who own much money, nor in the list of richest people on earth, I have no idea how to answer it.    

I just doing my part of job according to what I can afford, to inspire anyone who may like to get inspired by what I am writing. Whether or no it could be considered as containing historical moments worth to be preserved, I am in no capacity to answer. Who am I anyway, I am just a person on my way to move to the eternity soon.

When I wrote this part, someone in the internet shop who was talking on phone saying: "........when will be your departure...........". Now it proves that my consent to move to the eternity is not because I am desperate or in depression, instead there are those who really eager to witness my departure to move out to the eternity as soon as possible. 















A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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