Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Mon, 12 November 2007  9:53 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  No Political Meaning of Manchester United 4-1 Winning



Today  I saved some pictures of the Manchester United match against Middlesbrough of 27 October 2007 from YouTube, which was not easy because I have to Print Screen then pasted pictures on MS FrontPage and cropped it, and there were around fifteen pictures of them. Then something strange happened. In the middle of working it, all of a sudden the cursor was unable to appear whenever I put it on the top to move it down to crop the picture. And every time I failed like that, it was followed by some of the guests saying: "I can't......"

When I took a glanced to the main server in the Internet Shop, I spotted somebody whom I have never seen before, and he was like doing something with the main server computer.

Later on I realized it could be because of the score, 4 -1 , that could have the meaning of "Firman will be the number one person in the government......." Because my name Firman whereas in Dutch or German "Fir" has the meaning of "four". So maybe the score has been suspected of having political meaning.

Now I have no other explanation than to mention here that I have no political interest, I realize that I have no good capability to become successful in politics. I only would like to save those strange goals because like I mentioned in my previous letter "Facebook Membership and Fourth Goal of Tevez",  those Tevez goals happened a few hours after I signed up at your newly acquired

I hope this explanation will be clear enough to understand, because I have no much money to spend too much time in the Internet Shop. Besides, I may only have two and a half years left to live in this world, why should I enter politics, I should be better spend the rest of my life in other more meaningful activities that I can do better than politics.

The reason for writing all these strange things is to care about whether there are some signs from God that needed to be responded.














Date:  Mon, 12 November 2007  10:18 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Suspicion of Wanting to Become a Prophet




There could be some other kind of suspicions, a rather heavy one, that I would like to become some kind of prophet. Whether it has political background or not, it is none of my business.

The important thing is, no, I think the responsibility of a prophet is too heavy for me, why should I take such burden. And I never recruit anyone to become my followers, because I have no intention to become the leader of any other people. I even feel uncomfortable when some people like to follow me, because who am I to be followed.

My mentioning about taking prophet "Solomon's Path with No Political Part" Solomon path of destiny does not necessarily mean I would like to become a prophet. After all, those prophets were sent to earth to become models for us to follow, therefore their names are written in the holy book.

And because these letters are written to you, the richest man in the world, while the prophet known for his richness was prophet Solomon, so I mentioned his name. Besides, if I only mentioned the prophet of my own religion, while in fact you are not in the same religion with me, I could be accused of interfering your faith, your believe. When regarding own believe, own faith, most of the people would prefer to have no intervention from others faith or believe. 















Date:  Tue, 13 November 2007  10:04 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  My 2,5 Term of Life and Your 2,5 Grant to Four High Schools








Microsoft Corporation Chairman Bill Gates, talks to reporters outside of U.S. District Court as his wife, Melinda, left, listens April 24, 2002 in a Washington file photo.

(AP Photo/Rick Bowmer, File)


Gates Foundations Grants $2.5M

to Four N.C. High Schools


Posted: Nov. 10, 2007

RALEIGH, N.C. — The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is granting $2.5 million to develop four North Carolina high schools into models of student achievement.

It will be a joint program of the University of North Carolina and the Gates-funded New Schools Project. The UNC system will get $1.7 million dollars.

Two Learn and Earn schools are housed at community colleges or universities and allow students to graduate with as much as two years of college credit.

Four Learning Lab schools will be paired with a UNC campus and its education programs, which will help develop the schools. The goal is to create four highly effective, high-profile schools that will push other schools to become more innovative.

UNC system President Erskine Bowles announced the initiative Friday.


Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.





Recent news about your granting $2.5 million to develop four North Carolina high schools becomes like related with my previous letter of "Two and a Half Year Transit to the Eternity" regarding the possibility of my having only 2,5 year left of my life after the car accident of Taufik Savalas on 12 July 2007 that took his life away. Of course the important thing here is that I should make sure that it will be really me who will meet the end of my life, not someone else.

Especially after what happened to Lady Diana, whereas following my writing her some letters since 1995, because her name sounded like "die" that I thought those letter would strengthen my possibility to really move out of this world, yet later on it was her who meet the end of her life in 1997.

What makes me concern now is that I should also make sure it will never affecting you. And that was what I meant by "I am in a difficult situation now" like I wrote in my previous letter of "Charles Prince Resigned from Citibank". I can only strengthen my pray now that only me who will really move out of this world in this term of "Two and a Half Year Transit to the Eternity", and not switching it with someone else.

Anyhow if your wife and Paris Hilton happened to have any idea about this, then I could only let them realized it with their own will, because who am I anyway.















A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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