Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Thu, 15 November 2007  9:40 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Nobel Peace Prize 2007




Nobel Prize® medal - registered trademark of the Nobel Foundation   The Nobel Peace Prize 2007


"for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change"

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)   Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr.  

Photo: Scanpix/Tom Hevezi

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr.


1/2 of the prize


Geneva, Switzerland

Founded in 1988


1/2 of the prize




b. 1948



Titles, data and places given above refer to the time of the award.







Morse code of S.O.S. in the logo of Live Earth, a monumental music event that brought together a global audience on July 7, 2007 to combat the climate crisis through staged concerts in New York, London, Sydney, Tokyo, Shanghai, Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg and Hamburg - as well as special broadcast events in Antarctica, Kyoto and Washington, DC - and featured feature more than 150 of the world's best music acts.


Morse code like points under the numbers 8 6 0 1 in my previous letter of "Paris Hilton's 86 to Begin the Flat Line".




Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Rajendra Pachauri speaks on his cellular telephone after winning the Nobel Peace Prize in New Delhi. US vice president Al Gore and the IPCC shared the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, in a major boost to the international campaign for action against global warming.

(AFP/Raveendran )

AFP - Fri Oct 12, 3:51 PM ET


Former Vice President Al Gore speaks at a news conference in Palo Alto, California October 12, 2007 after being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize along with the U.N. Climate Panel.

REUTERS/Robert Galbraith

Reuters - Fri Oct 12, 3:33 PM ET




The announcement of Noble Peace Prize 2007 becomes meaningful to me since the Nobel goes to Al Gore and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is the Chair of the Alliance for Climate Protection.

He is also a Partner of Live Earth, a monumental music event that brought together a global audience on July 7, 2007 to combat the climate crisis. Live Earth staged concerts in New York, London, Sydney, Tokyo, Shanghai, Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg and Hamburg - as well as special broadcast events in Antarctica, Kyoto and Washington, DC - and featured feature more than 150 of the world's best music acts - a mix of both legendary music acts like The Police, Genesis, Bon Jovi and Madonna with the latest headliners like Kanye West, Kelly Clarkson, Black Eyed Peas and Jack Johnson. Live Earth's 24 hours of music across 7 continents delivered a worldwide call to action and the solutions necessary to answer that call.

The logo of Live Earth contains Morse Code of S.O.S. like in the above pictures. Somewhat like my letter of "Paris Hilton's 86 to Begin the Flat Line" written later on in 4 October 2007 that also contains Morse Code like points under the numbers 8 6 0 1. And it was after that letter the announcement of Nobel Peace Prize 2007 appeared in the media. 













Date:  Thu, 15 November 2007  10:18 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Remorseless in Forsythe’s "Negotiator"



This is rather unbelievable.

On October 2, 2007, I used the Adobe Photoshop in an Internet shop to produce the image of “86_0_1” for my previous letter "Paris Hilton's 86 to Begin the Flat Line", whereas underneath those numbers I also placed a stripe and two points that made it look like a Morse code.

In the afternoon on that same day when I was at home again, I continued reading a novel of Frederic Forsythe, "The Negotiator" that I had begun to read a day earlier. What a surprise that on that day I happened to reach page 8 that contains the word "remorseless", a word that like containing the word "morse", and I found for the first time in that book. The complete sentence was about oil price: "………just as global oil prices start their remorseless and inevitable climb to impossible level……"

The book was copyright by Frederic Forsyth in 1989, the year when I worked at the American Express. I purchased the book two months ago on August 21, 2007, at a nearby second hand books store, X Books, Cinere Raya D 1 no. 7, owned by Mr. Binton Nadapdap. The reason for purchasing it was because the author has been famous for his other novels that also familiar to my ears, like "The Day of the Jackal", "The Devil’s Alternative", and "The Odessa Files".

Besides, although a fiction, the novel is interesting since it is about a circumstance involving a U.S. President, in this case a fiction person John J. Cormack, and the related figure from Britain, PM Margareth Thatcher, and from Soviet Union Michael Gorbachev.

It surprised me more when a few days later, the Noble Prize committee announced that former VP Al Gore has been selected to receive the 2007 Nobel Prize for Peace. In the middle of this year Al Gore became a Partner of Live Earth, a monumental music event that brought together a global audience on July 7, 2007 to combat the climate crisis, which logo contains the letter “S.O.S” with a Morse code underneath it.












A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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