Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Mon, 21 January 2008  11:04 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Barito's Relocation, Avoiding My Self From Becoming the Bait of Disaster






Kiosks on the sidewalk of Barito Street, selling fishes, flowers, birds and some other small pets like rabbits. After more than two decades, the municipal government was planning to return the location to become city park, and relocate them to a new location. Edwin

17 January 2008


Kiosks on the sidewalk of Barito Street, selling fishes, flowers, birds and some other small pets like rabbits. After more than two decades, the municipal government was planning to return the location to become city park, and relocate them to a new location. Edwin

17 January 2008



Night view of kiosks on the sidewalk of Barito Street, selling fishes, flowers, birds and some other small pets like rabbits. After more than two decades, the municipal government was planning to return the location to become city park, and relocate them to a new location. Wijoseno

17 January 2008


Night view of kiosks on the sidewalk of Barito Street, selling fishes, flowers, birds and some other small pets like rabbits. After more than two decades, the municipal government was planning to return the location to become city park, and relocate them to a new location. Wijoseno

17 January 2008




Merchants of Barito Street during the gathering on 17 January 2008 to reject the relocation plan of municipal government. Edwin

17 January 2008


Merchants of Barito Street confronting the municipal police during their demonstration on 18 January 2008 to defend their kiosks in rejection of the relocation plan made by the municipal government. Khumaini

18 January 2008




Finally Barito's merchants surrendered and the bulldozers could reach the kiosks and destroyed them. Khumaini

18 January 2008


Parts of Barito's kiosks were being brought to the trucks to make clean of the location for the city park. Khumaini

18 January 2008







Something strange happened at the Internet Shop on Friday morning 18 January 2008. The Internet Shop happened to also have some public telephone booths inside, so whenever someone talked rather loudly inside one of the telephone booths, it could be heard clearly. And that morning, a woman was talking to someone that sounds like complaining something, about someone leaving her with no responsibility.

Then the Internet connection was no longer available, and someone looks like an officer of an official body wearing batik shirt came in and sit on my left.

These strange things seem like started earlier in the morning. A few hours earlier at home, around half past six in the morning just after my brother sent an SMS message about reminding me not to go through Barito Street because there could be a demonstration that could turn to riot, someone riding a motorcycle shouted in front of the house: "Sorry.......sorry......".  Followed by a bread peddler with the recorded voice in an IC on his cart like shouting the word "president.....president......... ". I thought maybe because Barito Street was nearby the RSPP hospital where former Indonesian second president has been treated since early January.

What happened at Barito street was a relocation plan toward some kiosks selling flowers, fishes, birds and some other small pets, like rabbits. They have been selling on the sidewalk of Barito Street since around two decades ago, but now the municipal government wanted to return the location to become city park. They should move to another place at Radio Dalam market, provided by the government, but so far they rejected the plan.

So what could be the connection with myself, I have no idea.

Of course I should be better think positively about this matter. This could be the sign of God that I should move my self from becoming the bait that trigger disaster. Because that location at Barito was famous for selling fishes, people who own aquariums in their houses liked to shop live fishes and other accessories for their aquariums there. And fishes usually related with the word "bait", like related with my worry about my being the "bait that trigger disaster".

So this Barito affair could be the sign that I should move from being the bait for disaster, to become someone spending the rest of my life in Solomon path of destiny with no political part. May God help me with this, Amen. 













Date:  Mon, 21 January 2008  11:40 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Former President Soeharto At RSPP Hospital






Team of presidential doctors explained the latest development of former Indonesian second president Soeharto's health condition to the press at RSPP Pertamina Central Hospital.. Fadillah

17 January 2008




Police barricade on the street nearby the RSPP hospital to prevent demonstrators of getting closer to the hospital  where former president Soeharto was being treated since 4 January 2008. Putri

17 January 2008

Police barricade on the street nearby the RSPP hospital to prevent demonstrators of getting closer to the hospital  where former president Soeharto was being treated since 4 January 2008. Putri

17 January 2008




Demonstrators clashed with the police during the demonstration on 19 January 2008 to demand a trial for the former president Soeharto. It was one day after the demonstration of Barito's merchants, whereas Barito Street is close to the RSPP hospital where former president Soeharto was being treated. Subagja

17 January 2008





Former Indonesian second president Soeharto has been having medical treatment since 4 January 2008 for his old age sickness. Actually since his resignation in 1998, he has been getting in and out of the hospital almost every year, but this year he has been in more critical condition. Nevertheless the recent news mentioned that his condition has getting better now after the team of presidential doctors strive hard to save his life.
















A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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