For a while, it may seem like you will never get over BBTHB. However, there is hope. Just try one or more of the following and you are sure to see the light at the end of the tunnel very soon!!!
Ice Cream
I get together with my roomie every night at midnight and talk about how rotten boys are over a pint of our favorite Blue Bell flavor...I would recommend the following:

Tin Roof
Cookies & Cream
Moo-llenium Crunch
(the sky's the limit with Vanilla!!! My favorite is butterscotch and whipped cream!!)

Movie Night
Whether it be a sappy love story starring your favorite male actor, or a movie so funny you can barely stay in your chair while watching it, just getting away from the "real world" for a while can be very beneficial

Take Up Darts
That's right, play darts. Throwing stuff can be very helpful in releasing your anger. And why not add a little twist to your game??? The girls of Club GAB suggest buying a cheap kids dart board from Wal-Mart and blowing up a photo of the enemy and stick it on the dart board. Then have at him!!! Not only will you get out your anger, you will develop strong arm muscles as well while you improve your aim!!! Whoever knew boys would have a purpose in life??? *wink*

Hot Bubble Bath
Soaking in a hot bath with your favorite scents will totally relax you! Lock the bathroom door, turn off the lights, light some candles, and maybe even play some relaxing music such as Enya. You'd be surprised how much better you will feel after just an hour.

I know, I know, that sounds very strange, but I do Tae Bo everyday and as I do the punches, I just imagine that my enemy is right in front of me!

Be a Girl
Once a month, treat yourself to a haircut, eyebrow shaping, facial, manicure/pedicure, or massage. You can go somewhere to have it all done or you can buy all the products you need at your local Wal-Mart

Have a Party
If you've ever needed an excuse to throw a party, this is it. Just have a few of your good, close friends over and play games or watch movies together.
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