Sitting not far from me, were two tall beings.  They were kneeling over something and speaking in a language I had never heard before.  One of them shifted and suddenly I could see what had their attention: Priscilla was lying motionless before them.  My weak knees meant nothing to me now and I rushed unsteadily to the two figures, brushing past them and collapsing by Priscilla�s side.  One of the two gathered around her grasped my shoulders and forced me back.
     �Not now.  Give her time.�  I wrenched my eyes away from Priscilla�s body and looked into the dark eyes of the individual in front of me.  He was the one I had seen staring down at me He looked like a man, or at least he seemed a bit like the peculiar visitor I had had about a month ago, only he was much more beautiful and less abrupt in his speech.  His voice had calmed me the moment he had spoken.
     I glanced back at Priscilla.  What I thought was a woman was leaning over her and speaking in that extraordinary language that although it was new to me, my ears found pleasant to hear.
     �My wife is skilled.  Your friend will live.�  At that moment, I heard a harsh cough and Priscilla was sitting up, her hand to her mouth as she spat out the water that had invaded her lungs.  The man�s wife had stood up and turned towards me.  How beautiful she was!  Long midnight black hair caressed her shoulders and her dark eyes shone out from pure white skin.  She motioned to Priscilla and I hurried over to her side.  Priscilla had recovered and the look she threw me stilled my heart.  She was angry, far angrier than I had seen her become so far.  However, she could say nothing yet and I am very glad of that.  Luckily for me, she would never have a chance to speak to me about my foolishness.  For at that very moment, more of these strange folk appeared, coming out of the trees on the island.  There must have been at least twenty of them.  But the sight that took my breath away as surely as if I had fallen into the river again was standing in the center of them all.
     A tall maiden, taller even than the man that had come to my door, stood silently, but her stillness hid the energy of radiant light.  The sun shone full on her, producing a halo of light on her dark head and reflecting its light off her skin.  I was sure some glorious star had descended to grace the earth with its presence.  Only her brow creased in worry broke this image as her blue eyes sent forth waves of concern.  She was about to say something, when the man who had first talked to me began speaking to her in the language I didn�t understand.  His wife spoke next for a time.  Finally, the tall lady turned to me and I was waiting without daring to breath for her to speak when a voice quite like the first man�s, yet rougher, split the air.
     A youth had come stalking out of the birches of the island and taking note of the situation, said something harsh to her.  He looked quite like her, only his hair was lighter in color than hers.  He had her bright blue eyes, but his manner was much more aggressive.  She did not look at him when he spoke but came towards me and bending down, she took my right hand in her two soft palms.
     �But they are safe.  That is all that matters.�  The common language came easily out of her mouth and sounded to me like the singing of flowing mountain waters in springtime.  I stared into her eyes in awe.  For a moment, silence reigned and then the young man who had entered began to speak severely again.  The lady kept looking at me, but spoke to him.
     �Lanthir, these are our guests and we will speak so they understand.�
     His blue eyes flashed, but he went silent all the same.
     �Welcome, Pady Proudfoot,� I started as she said my name.  �We have been waiting for you.  We had thought we would see you sooner than this.�
     I bowed my head.  It occurred to me that this was the one I had been sent to find and I was ashamed.  I would have been here sooner if I hadn�t spent all that time debating the message given to me.  I should have come earlier.  I had disappointed this beautiful lady.
     I felt a hand on my chin and the lady gently forced my head up so our eyes were once again level.        �There is no need for sorrow.  The time is not past for hope to fail, I think.�
     Looking into her lovely face, I felt my heart lighten, as if her thoughts of hope had passed into my very soul.  My answer came out as a whisper.
     �My lady, are you a queen?�  Her beauty and her demeanor spoke of far more than a commoner and I was sure she had to be someone of great importance.
     An amused laugh escaped her lips.  �I am not a queen, but a hidden lady who loves her kin deeply.� Her eyes shone with delight.  �You have found the Dolenwaith, Pady, the hidden people, as we are called by those who discover us.  Few have had this chance, for we rarely reveal ourselves to outside eyes.  We are Elves estranged from our kin in the dark days who have taken refuge in our ability to conceal our existence.  Many years have we wandered this Middle-earth and of recent days this island has been our home.  If it were not for the fact that Aewvaran had instructed us to accept you, you would never have been aware we lived.�
     Elves?  I had heard of them, of course.  They were less myth than the men, but still only found in wild stories of my youth.  Now I realized that their beauty was no legend, but a very real truth.
     I was just about to question her concerning this Aewvaran she had mentioned, when she turned to look at Priscilla.  I realized that this whole time Priscilla had been sitting close to me, half hidden behind my form.
     �And who is this you have brought with you?� the lady asked.  �What a beautiful child she is!�
     Priscilla overcame any shyness in an instant.  Moving out from behind me with a frown on her face, she spoke boldly to the Lady.
     �I am
not a child!  I�m twenty and far past the silly child years!�
     The lady laughed again and I could not help but grin at the sound.  �I did not meant to offend you, child.  But you must understand, your age to me is as that of a newly born infant.  Forgive me, but I am so old I often forget how others define themselves by age.�
     �How old are you?� I asked.  It occurred to me that maybe this was not a polite question to ask such a beautiful maiden, but she only smiled and answered directly.
     �Far older than you.  I am over 4,000 years old.�
     By the look on Priscilla�s face, I knew she was stunned.  I was as well.  We both stared for the longest time, amazed, until the lady pulled me to my feet by my left hand.
     �We have much to discuss before you depart our presence.  Aewvaran told us to reveal what we know of your kin and that we will do, but first you must recover yourselves and receive our hospitality.�
     �You know about my family?�  I eagerly asked.
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