Rain a-Coming
Rain a---Coming, won't be long now.
Got to get home now.
Wind's picking up, feel the coolness on my brow
Sky is turning from gray to pitch black.
We will be in for a real blow
Should get home now
Rain drops falling all around
Feeling like a regular pin-cushion
Winds are really strong now
Rain a---Coming

Rain Curtain racing toward me
Can I beat it home?
Don't know with this big sack of mangoes
Get a move on Rain a---Coming
Lighting and thunder together
What is it that everybody says?
Oh, yea God is bowling again.

Standing in a puddle of water in the carport
Home at last... rain really falling now
Mother yelling, "That you Louie?"
"Yea, Mom." as I drip all over everything.
"Are you wet?" Yells my Mom from upstairs
"No, Mom," as I reach for a towel off the line.

Standing there listening to the rain
The tin roof giving up a Calliope of sounds
It is raining really hard now
Jimmy's house next door has disappeared
But across the street  the sun is shining brightly
Phone rings, my Mom yells, "Joey's on the line."
"Something about a game. Are you going?"
I answer, "Yea, Mom, I am on my way... See-ya."
I race to the football field the rain has stopped.
My Mom's words ringing in my ears
Supper in an hour... be there. Don't be late
"And Louie, Rain a-Coming... Don't get wet now."

By Louis Joseph Barbier

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