Who Am I



Cocosoft Solutions is  me Bob Cohen, a 70 year old  mad keen fisherman on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. A Commodore enthusiast since the birth of the first VIC20. Now very much into I.B.M. Dos, Windows, Graphic manipulation, Emulators On line marketing and the Ever present Studying.

Among my many interests are computers, fishing and writing about fishing. Do You see a pattern developing here ??. Apart from my primary interests I'm into most things technically interesting in any shape or form, collecting the best software from all over the globe and trying to remember where I've put it all.

I would love to correspond with fisher persons from anywhere in the world  via e-mail Re. swapping stories, pictures of memorable catches, funny  fishing related incidents, indeed anything another fisho might find interesting.
I'm especially interested in aspects of  time / tide & general climate fluctuations  & their effect on  how fish behave  other than  in Australia.  Any  stories related to lure fishing & especially plastics like the Mister Twister range would be welcomed  as I have a great interest in this area.

Due to ill health and now being essentially housebound my current mindset is all about my other great interest, Electronics - particularly Arduino and what one can accomplish with the various Arduino formats out there. I find studying on this subject completely consumes me and helps me forget my everyday problems and aches and pains. I would love to hear from other enthusiasts about your private projects and ideas of things that Arduino can be used for that are out of the normal realms.

For brevity sake I better say " That's a snippet of Who I Am" - Glad to meet you!

Please drop me a line any time  email.gif