T10Kers Speak Out!

If you think that The 10th Kingdom's popularity on the net is just a hoax, think again. Just read the following messages from a variety of boards on the net. Oh and by the way, if T10K had been aired on cable it would have been a top five hit.


"I loved everything about it! I thought Wolf (Scott Cohen) was so good looking! I loved Kimberly Williams as Virginia! I loved it when she cried when her mother died, because it was so sad and dramatic! I loved Prince Wendal as a dog! (He was so adorable) It was funny, exciting, sad, and oh so magical. I loved the singing wedding ring!"


"I love The Tenth Kingdom because I actually felt the attraction between Virginia and Wolf, and the desperation that Prince Wendell felt as he was slowly losing his mind. I loved the Trolls...being none too bright, they made me laugh (especially when Bluebell was singing "Night Fever" on the row boat). I laughed as Tony, a loveable, bumbling guy, tried hard to please everyone but himself (I guess that's were Virginia got it). I was happy to see the Fairy Tale characters come to life. Red Riding Hood III and Leaf Fall, the Elf Queen, were beautiful. The Naked Emperor was hysterical! And I was intrigued by the Queen, who truly believed herself to be evil, but Virginia proved her wrong in the end. The special effects were wonderful. It makes you wonder, could that really happen? It made me wish it did. And WHERE can I get a singing ring?!"



I loved it because of all the wonderful characters. I am so glad they left the end open for a sequel(maybe even more) and I can't wait until I get the tape in the mail (NBC) with all the edited parts in. I think why I like Wolf so much was because I would love it if some guy were that crazy over me and I wouldn't have to worry so much about him cheating beacuse as he says" Wolfs mate for life"!!! He just makes my stomache feel all bubbly inside!!!! Did anyone ever wonder why they named the main character Virginia? If she ever marries Wolf would here name be Virginia Wolf? Just thought that was kinda funny. -Emily


"I just saw the tenth kingdom and absolutely fell in love with it because it reached a part of me that I can't describe. I connected with Virginia immediately. Wolf made me laugh and his admiration for Virginia reached me deeply. I cried (very few movies make me cry) when Virginia faced the queen and she desperately tried to reach the inner person she knew to be her mother. Tony was hilarious, Iespecially liked the part with the frog. I thought Prince Wendall with the brain of a dog was funny also. This movie is my favorite of all time."

A hello to all that love The 10th Kingdom

"I normally just sit in the shadows, but not anymore. I just want to say hello to everyone and if you keep reading you will come across how I got hooked on The 10th Kingdom... It was a rainy Sunday and I was running out of time. I had to pick up a third DVD in order to get the 3 for 6 dollars special, and I couldn't find anything that I wanted to see. As I was walking to the cash register I spotted The 10th Kingdom. I remember wanting to watch it on TV, but for some reason I didn't. I grabbed the DVD, paid for my movies and went home. I watch the other two movies right away, but as I was putting the first of the 3 discs of The 10th Kingdom in the player a friend called and I went out instead. The DVD stayed in the player for two days until I went to watch one of my own movies. I figured what the hell and pushed play. After that one moment I was hooked, I couldn't stop watching it. This miniseries was one the best things that I had ever seen. After I turned it back into the video store I couldn't stop talking about it. I went to the fan pages and read the fanfic but that wasn't enough. To ease my pain I took 30 bucks out of the ATM and bought the DVD for myself. My friends think I'm crazy, I guess that is why I'm here...to talk to people that are just as crazy (if not more) as me. That is my 10th Kingdom story. My name is Monkey and I am a 10th Kingdom addict."

The Triforce

"OMG! Everyone I just watched the 10th Kingdom... I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! This is my first time seeing it... everything was great about it! ESPECIALLY DIANNE! Wonderful stuff here! Everyone go BUY THE DVD!!!!!" Stephen


"Hi everyone! I love 10th Kingdom!! :o) I just saw the recent version on NBC. I know how it was cut up and everything, but I still loved it! You have no idea how much (or maybe you do). :o) I've already been into like every website just since I watched it. I've joined a Scott Cohen club too. I loved Wolf!!! Anyways, I'm hoping(make that praying, begging, wishing, and hoping) to get the whole movie somewhere. But I just want to say thank you to all of you for letting me know that I'm not the only one in love with this movie!! :o)"


"Virtually ignored"? By the "only" 6.2 million people who watched it? Well, I'm one of those "mere" 6.2 million, I'd never seen the thing before and couldn't see the whole (cruelly edited, as I understand) broadcast this time, and even though I only got to see bits and pieces of the bits and pieces they deigned to air, I was just as dazzled as the rest of you. I've only seen snippets of this epic and now, overnight, I'm a total, drooling fan! I have to get the video! I have to get the book! I have to get out in the woods and howl with the wolves! Owoooooo!!! Poor old NBC. Seems like they are immune to the magic that they themselves have spun. But lucky us. We know what's good when we see it."

Need I say more...

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