The Colfax Police Department is please to be able to provide free gun locks to any one in the Colfax Area. Locks are available for handguns, rifles and shotguns. These locks were obtained through Operation Child Safe. Project ChildSafe is a nationwide program whose purpose is to promote safe firearms handling and storage practices among all firearms owners through the distribution of key safety education messages and free gun locking devices (firearms safety kits). The program is supported by a U.S. Department of Justice grant (DOJ), the National Shooting Sports Foundation, and is a component of Project Safe Neighborhoods.
To obtain locks or  more information about the program, please contact the Colfax Police Department and ask for Chief Summy at 674-4096 or 9668. Interested persons may also  stop by during normal business hours.
Chief Summy adds that anyone who has firearms or ammunition of any kind and wishes to dispose of them may contact an officer to pick them up or bring them to the Police Department. He also stresses that all firearms should be checked to verify they are unloaded prior to bring them to the police department.

When a child is reported missing, one of Law Enforcements greatest enemies is time. Every hour a child is missing, the likelihood of a safe recovery decreases. In order to ensure a high level of preparedness for child abduction cases, The Colfax Police Department has implemented the use of the LOCATER, Lost Child Alert Technology Resource.
In conjunction with the implementation of this system, The Colfax Police Department has partnered with the Colfax Valley Travel Center to provide this information to the public. Colfax Valley has agreed to provide space for a bulletin board this information can be displayed on. Forbes Office Supply from Newton helped in providing the bulletin board.

Officer Paul Kuhlman of the Colfax Police Department recently completed a four day National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Technician  training course. This training was a combination of lectures and discussion of new child passenger issues and �hands-on� practice with both child safety seats and vehicle belt systems. CPS Technicians must take both written and hands on tests and participate in a �real world� car seat check-up event where the CPD Technician must demonstrate proficiency in communication and demonstrating the installations to the public. The training certifies him nationally as a CPS Technician.

Officer Kuhlman goes on to add, �The inspection of safety systems such as seat belts and car seats will help in determining if your child is being transported safely. Car seats and safety belts can become damaged, obsolete and may have even been recalled by the manufacturer. An inspection could help you to avoid a fatality in the event of a car crash by showing people how to select the proper child safety system, correctly install them and how to secure the child in it.�

As part of this program the Colfax Police department currently has a child safety seat available for loan to people who do not have one available. This seat may be checked out for up to a 30 day period at no costs. Inspections of
vehicles to determine if child safety seats are of an approved design and are properly installed may also be scheduled by calling the Colfax Police Department at 515-674-4096 or 9668.
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