A more detailed account of Seto's past than the old one based on the episodes in the Noah's Arc season.

Seto and Mokuba had a really tough childhood. Their parents died in an accident when they were young. Their relatives came just for the bequest from their father and dumped the brothers in an orphanage. Mokuba tried to turn back time by going back to the park where they used to play when their parents were alive. After Seto found him there, he told Mokuba that from then on he'll be his father, and promised to protect him no matter what. Seto told Mokuba to be strong because if they showed any weakness they're finished.

They spent most of their time playing chess at the orphanage. Seto really enjoyed playing chess, but the day he saw Gozaburo Kaiba win the sixth world chess championship on TV the smile on his face disappeared as Mokuba has recounted. It was announced on TV that Gozaburo decided to donate his reward of US$100,000 to the orphanage that the two brothers are at. At that moment Seto recalls that he kept proceeding the plan and it haven't stopped (Seto's been creating a plan to secure their future for a while now).

When Gozaburo came to the orphanage to distribute toys to children, Seto challenged him to a game of chess under the condition that Mokuba and he would become Gozaburo's adopted sons if he won. Seto has studied all of Gozaburo's chess books and Gozaburo's mind when he took the challenge, it was all under control. He used the same tactics as Gozaburo and set traps at the same time as well. Gozaburo was falling into his traps step by step. In the end Seto won, and they were adopted as promised.

The brothers were relocated to Gozaburo's mansion. Seto was forced to study until he caught up to Gozaburo. During a dinner, Gozaburo questioned Seto on his vision of the future of Kaiba Corporation, what he would do to manage it when he inherited his position. Seto answered that he wanted to build a Kaiba Land for those underprivileged. Gozaburo was unsatisfied with the answer because he wants Seto to be a ruler, therefore he confiscated all his games and toys. To boost Seto's morale, Mokuba hid some duels monsters cards in a reference book and asked the butler to hand it to him. Seto, exhausted from studying, collapsed on the couch for a rest before his next lesson commencing in one hour. Upon receiving the reference book he dropped it in disgust and discovered the duel monsters cards and a note hidden within the pages. The note was from Mokuba, telling him to use the cards to relax. Most of the cards were weak monsters, but what caught Seto's eye was a hand-drawn card of the Blue Eyes White Dragon (click for pic). Seto then vowed to get the real Blue Eyes White Dragon card.

Seto, now at the age of fourteen, went to see Gozaburo at his office to discuss the virtual system he's developed. It appears that Gozaburo wanted to use it for war. Seto argued that he created the system to let everyone have fun when playing games, he invented it for the future Kaiba Land. Gozaburo told him to leave and said his purpose for KaibaCorp is to dominate the world with military business. Some goons of KaibaCorp then escorted Seto out and that was the last time he called Gozaburo father. At that moment Seto knew he couldn't hand his invention over to that evil man, he lost expectation of him and is now determined to have KaibaCorp.

On Seto�s birthday (possibly fifteenth), he and Mokuba were given 2% of Kaiba Corporation�s shares. Seto was to use the finance and increase it by 100 times within the year. It was his final test and if he failed, he is not capable of inheriting Kaiba Corporation. Gozaburo lent Daimo to Seto as his hench men. Seto signed a contract and after that proceeded on planning his approach towards what he saw as a game. He used Duel Monsters cards to represent Kaiba Corporation�s shares, and decided he needed to buy 51% of its shares. For his first move he sent Daimo to buy a company. He came back with a Ceramic Company with a 300 year old history. Seto knew this company wouldn�t make 100 times his original finance within a year, but he knew ways to double it. He forced a man (I don�t know who he is) to repurchase his share for 5 times the money or else get fired and cause his other employees to get sacked as well. Seto's ability to earn money was far beyond Gozaburo's imagination.

Seto had a meeting with the Big 5 and suggested they cooperate with him to lead Kaiba Corporation, saying that Gozaburo treated them badly. Seto has been buying the stocks of Kaiba Corporation, but it wasn't going well because his plan have somehow reached the ears of Gozaburo. Seto blamed this on Mokuba and told him off in the presence of the Big 5 (and tossed him to the ground, click for pic). The unhappy Mokuba then sided with Gozaburo, which also means that Mokuba's card (stock) is now on Gozaburo's side. Gozaburo now has 51 cards in his hand and he stopped buying stocks.

One year has past since the day Seto and Gozaburo made the deal (Seto is fifteen years old now). To celebrate this day Seto held a conference. Gozaburo told him he was wasting his time for Seto had only 49% of the stocks while he had 51%. Gozaburo wouldn't give out the title. Gozaburo announced that Kaiba Corporation is going to apply for an insolvency and transfer all business to the subsidiary, so that all Seto's stocks will become nothing and Seto's life will be mortgaged to him. But Mokuba barged in and gave his two cards (stocks) to Seto. Gozaburo was shocked and reminded Mokuba that Seto abandoned him. Mokuba argued and said that it was an impulsive descision and stated that he is on his brother's side. Since that day Gozaburo has weakened and his life died out.

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