Birthplace: Greenwich, Conneticutt

Weight: 235 lbs

Titles: WWF Intercontinental Championship

Key Wins: "Wildman" Marc Mero

Key Losses: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

This match was supposed to happen on RAW, but instead, my sources tell me it will happen at Wrestlemania 13 instead. It will/would have been a great match. Here we have 2 great technicians. A fast-paced match is expected from these 2. The PerfectPlex and Pedigree will finish both men. Hunter brings valet's to ringside, but they never interfere, so they are not an issue. Maybe a distractive attempt, but Perfect is married, so it probably won't work. Perfect should stick to ground submission holds. He should get HHH down and keep him there. When Hunter is vertical, he is ruthless and dangerous to his opponent. HHH should do his homework, and target the lower back, as everyone facing Perfect should. One thing I notice about HHH is that he gets distracted by the fans. If the fans start a "Perfect, Perfect" chant, it would get on HHH's nerves, and Perect can easily roll him up for the pin. Another thing is that Hunter takes alot of time in doing moves. He may wait a minute or so before executing a vital movfe. Perfect is experienced enough to squirm out of Hunter's grasp, and Perfect can pull a fast one on HHH, if he's not careful.

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