Poetry Corner

"As I Stand", "Genesis", & "The Pheonix"

As I stand

by Melissa Holcomb inspired by "Famous Last Words"

As I stand in this world, I see...
The flowers the grass, the rise of the sea,
I smell the air on a late, spring's day
The calm before the storm before it does what it may.

as I stand in this world, I see,,,,
All its wonders and love for thee.
I hear two lovers in courtship nearby,
I hear two lovers in courtship, as they cry.

As I stand in this world, I see...
A great white light that grows from the sea.
How could something so white, so beautiful be
So dark, so pestilent, so harmful to me?

As I stand in this rapture, I see...
My Lord's world stricken with blackness, but the sea.
The sea, so ever so blue, as he flows
By the repleted moon, as she glows.

As I stand in this rapture, I see..
Two lovers in courtship, now live in the sea.
The sea, so peacefull as can be.
The sea of life, the place I wish for thee...

(Sure wish I wrote that baby myself! JW)

In 1997, I recieved word the Tears for Fears newsgroup was going to shut down. (As it turned out, it didn't- it was saved by a collection which was taken by the list manager.) I sent a poem I wrote at the age of 12 that I thought would be appropriate on what was to have been the last day. The next day Brian Wenner sent in his own irreverant contribution. I found it rather funny, so I'm posting it here.

First, my poem.

GenesisBy Jerri Willmore

There was a brillaint star once
In the empty gulf of space
It was a free, ecstatic thing
Fiery, gorgeous in its face.
It drifted alone through the starry skies
In endless magesty
Yet very soo, there were tiny lamps
In the bright star's fiery sea
They escaped like birds from cages.
Thier endless fate they did not know,
For soon they hardened into worlds,
Then life began to grow.
Forests came, then faded,
Summer came, then rain,
Creatures came, then vanished,
Then never came again.
Cities were built, towers were formed,
Higher,higher, high
Yet they never forgot the shining sun
High in the summer sky.
Yet the sun could shine no longer.
Old she became, then grey,
The cities paused, then halted,
Then slowly faded away.
The sun called to her children.
Old and feeble was her cry.
Across a broken universe,
Across an empty sky.
One by one the planets returned
Each somber in its face,
Back to thier aging mother
In the empty gulf of space.

The pheonix
By Brian Wenner

No time to say, what fills us with dread
No time to say, The Elementalist is dead.
A Parting blow, to feel less encumbered
To say what you want without feeling outnumbered.

Words put together with meter and rhyme
So many pages written, yet so little time
Rules imposed by others, structure and verse
Why sould I follow what seems so perverse?

You see some of this is second nature
To Shout "This is the Start of The Breakdown",
Yet there are so many ashes for us to remember
So many ashes that burned to the ground.

So now our list has been threatened
Maybe it's time to "Break it Down again",
But to those who have not been deafened-
Buddy can you spare a five or a ten?

(No, it wasn't an attack on my poem. And I'm still chuckling.JW)

Email me with your imput!
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