Watching Ellie

To whover is reading this- email me, tell me who you are! :)

I had the idea Frodo and Elanor would make a perfect couple as a child- later had the idea of writing fanfic based on that idea (I was having a brain hemorrhage, but whatever. ;) Please contribute your own story to me if you are interested. :)

The stories

Lily Was Here- science fiction story with characters loosely inspired by Tolkien's. A Crusades vet, his friend, and the friend's daughter become pawns of awesome future immortals. There is a surprise ending! There is also a scene where pot is smoked, so if that offends you, pass this on. May not be suitable for children.

Out of Exile- The story I wrote. Frodo escapes Valinor and returns to Middle Earth. Things don't work out as planned....

If the link doesn't work click here. "Pleasant Dreams"- my second story. Frodo and Elanor meet while both visit "limbo-" the land between life and death.

Other people's stories...

Sweet story by my new friend Elanor (not kidding.)

Also read it on! ">

A young fan's tale of Frodo and Elanor as a child (unromantic of course.)

If the link doesn't work click here. Elanorelle- story a young fan wrote about young Elanor, who idolizes Frodo. She says she will do more work on it this summer, and things will get interesting!

I am looking for more Frodo-Elanor stories, of a romantic sort (every other character combination has been written about! It can be any sort of story, or simply have characters ispired by them. I am also looking for artwork with Elanor (as an adult, please.) I will either put it on my site or link to it. h2>

email me with comments!

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