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Cream of courgette soup 
with bacon and "Westvleteren Trappist"


Ingredients serves 4

  • 600gr. courgettes

  • 1 onion

  • 2 cloves of garlic

  • 150 rachers bacon

  • 4 table-spoons olive oil or sunflower oil

  • 8 dl chicken broth or vegetables broth

  • 33 cl St.Sixtus trappist “Westvleteren 8”

  • 1 dl whipped cream

  • 2 table-spoons parsley chapped finaly

  • pepper and salt


  1. Heat 1 table-spoon of olive oil in a pan, fry the rashers of bacon. Turn regularly.

  2. Leave to set and crumble the rashers of bacon.

  3. Halve the courgettes and discard the stones. Cut the 2 parts in small cubes.

  4. Peel the onion and garlic and cut finely

  5. Heat 3 table- spoons of oil in a pan, fry the diced courgette, the onion and garlic.

  6. Reduce the heat and add the broth.

  7. Boil +/- 30min. and puree it to a smooth mixture.

  8. Add the Westvleteren Trappist and heat the mixture +/- 4-5 min.

  9. Add the whipped cream, pepper and salt.

  10. Spoon the soup in 4 preheated plates and sprinkle with the crumbled bacon.

  11. Garnish with parsley.


Lynn Segers      
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