Welcome to the Como Croquet Club (Inc.) home page.
Founded in 1928

Please note:  This site will be closed in the near future -- please visit our new site at  www.comocroquetclub.com

We have a friendly and very active club of around 65 members playing both golf and association croquet codes. We have 4 lawns - 2 floodlit for night play.

We play:

Mondays     2.00pm,  golf croquet
Tuesdays    9.30am- noon, association croauet
                     1.00pm, association croquet
                      6.00pm,  golf croquet   (summer only).
Thursdays  2.00pm,  golf croquet and coaching
                      6.30pm,  association croquet  (weather permitting)
Saturdays    9-00am-noon,  golf croquet
                       1.00pm,  association croquet

Our club is situated at Comer Street through Eric Street in Como
(near Broadwater Complex)
Como news
By Laws
Club Events
Past Champions
Contact us:

President - Mrs Phyllis Abbott   9364 3604
Vice President - Mr Ross Marshall  9474 3572
Treasurer - Mrs Coral  Broun   9474 1986
Secretary - Mrs Jenny Burns  9457 1621
53 Tuscan St    Rossmoyne WA    6148
Association Captain - Mr Terry Speers  9330 4059
Golf  Croquet Captain - Mr Jeff Bell - 9368 4957
Publicity officer - Ms Susan Wharton - 9368 2926 or
Club house  9474 6044
This web page is maintained by Terry Speers at  [email protected]
[email protected]
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