The game of �Progressive Croquet� has been devised as a modification to the normal �Association� game of croquet and is intended to be played as a doubles game.  The main feature is that all 4 players get a reasonable share of the play, as they all keep playing after each other in the same order throughout the game.  At the Como club the game is used mainly when newer, less experienced players, are partnered with experienced players.  It is not a formalised game that is recognized by any croquet authority and is not normally used in competitive tournaments.

The variations to the normal �Association� game that are used at Como are as follows :-

1 After the toss etc at the beginning of the game each of the 4 players plays one ball of their side.  They in turn, play that ball from a position a few inches in front of hoop1 so that hoop 1 is made in this first stroke.  It is usual to position the ball the width of a mallet head in front of the hoop to avoid damage to the lawn.

2 The order in which the 4 players play this first turn sets the pattern for the order of play for the rest of the game.  When each player has their turn they are free to play either ball of their side.

3 After the first stroke through hoop 1 the player may then with his second (continuation) stroke continue play by making hoop 2 (if it is a good position) or roquet another ball that has already been played.  The turn may then continue in the normal manner.  There is one important matter relating to the first stroke through hoop 1.  If the ball comes to rest in a position that is past hoop 2, a roquet on another ball is not allowed.  The ball may however be hit away to any safe position in preparation for a following turn.

4 There is limit of 4 hoops that can be made in one turn.  This includes any peels that are done.  Also, if hoop 1 is one of the hoops included in this break it is counted as one of the 4 hoops.  Likewise a ball being pegged out is counted as one of the 4 hoops.

5 There are no lifts conceded when either hoop 1 back or hoop 4 back is made.

6       At the end of a 4 hoop break a player may play on and use all live balls to �set        the green�.
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