We have had many computer products that use low resources. But this will not fit if you use the Computer for Gaming, Video Editing, and Multimedia Applications that require resources to your budget. Are your funds sufficient?
I hope my writing can be used as a reference to buy your computer, to suit your needs.

Thank You.

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Modern computing are now equipped with the facilities Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, which allows an operating system directly controls the power saving factor of the machine hardware. For example you can set the monitor or hard drive will automatically be idle (in a state of inactivity). Besides, you can set the power management system inside the computer's BIOS and other features in each product.

Judging from the rapid computing technology today, sometimes we stumble with the lack of system compatibility.
Therefore, by looking at computer components separately we can sort sort out what components are most priority to be purchased according to our needsLogic over Tech ?

The purpose of having a computer right now, in addition to Multimedia (Watch Movies, Listen to mp3 music, or just a karaoke joint out), Playing Game, Video and Photo Editing, and last is blogging or just making friends and sharing experience.

To that last statement, you do not need a super fast computer (super expensive) to do it. Just info only, that a computer with high specs came burden to expensive electricity paid monthly. It's not logic to have an over high tech computer for blogging or sharing.

So high-tech computer = cost expensive = maintenance expensive.
and I present you Logic over Tech
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--Daniel Tiwow, Author