Links to other people's sites and organizations which relate to Antarctica.

NZ Antarctic Scott Base Official Web Page.   See bottom of this list for more information.

The American Antarctic Support Associates Official Web Page.  It has a whole heap of things for those interested in the Antarctic. Just a quick note: The ASA no longer have the contract to look after McMurdo because of the Y2K handover. Another company called Raithion (I think that's the spelling) now has the contract so look for it on the Internet.

Antarctic Satellite Weather Pictures

Massey University Department of Ecology Expedition, Antarctica 1997

Diving in Antarctica; Pictures

Virtual Tour of McMurdo and South Pole Station (the American Bases)

Mawson Station (the Australian Base)

Lonely Planet Web Site on Antarctica  They seem to have forgotten Scott Base exists last time I looked at their web site.  It is, however, in their hard copy book. (I checked!) The web site is good, but the book is excellent!
Antarctica; Really Good Facts and Pictures Good reference information; worth a look. 

The Learnz Program,  Designed to help teachers and students learn about Antarctica.

A New Zealand Philately site which also specializes Antarctic exploration  Steve lives and works in Christchurch NZ and is a very keen Antarctic enthusiast which shows in his website.

Just another one of many good Philately sites  - from Michael de Jong of the Netherlands.

A Fishy Site.   Clive Evans, a very prominent scienctist on the ice, has his own web site relating to his specialty - fish and not just any fish.  Many of these creatures survive and thrive in Antarctica only because of their unique qualities. See his site and find out.


Below is a brief list of the sites which can be found by going to the Official Antarctica New Zealand web site and look under the related sites section. There you will find information about Scott Base, situations vacant, student courses, science project information and much, much more.

I have not included the hyperlinks (the original site has them ) because this is only to give you a small  idea of  what you can find in only one of the various sections they have.  They update all the time so check often. 

    Alfred Wegener Institute, the German national center for Polar and
    Marine research
    AMANDA, the neutrino telescope project at the South Pole
    Arctic World, a server providing information about the Arctic and
    Antarctic Development Squadron Six (VXE-6)
    AMEN - Antarctic Managers Electronic Network
    Antarctic Studies at Canterbury University
    Antarctica and the Southern Oceans
    Antarctica Meteorology Research Center. Composite satellite weather
    Antarctic Heritage Trust - New Zealand
    Antarctic Streams Hydrology
    Antarctic Support Associates
    Australian Antarctic Cooperative Research Center
    Australian Antarctic Division
    Arctic Region Supercomputing Center
    Australian Working Group for Antarctic Astronomy
    Belgium Antarctic Research Program
    British Antarctic Survey
    Byrd Polar Research Center at Ohio State University
    Cold Tech, a foundation to support research within cold climate
    Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Data Archive at
    Foundation for Research Science and Technology (NZ)
    Heritage Expeditions Ltd. - Adventures in New Zealand and Antarctica
    Institute of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies
    International Arctic Environmental Data Directory
    Visitor Center, International Antarctic Center
    Gateway to Antarctica - International Center for Antarctic Information
    and Research.
    Italian Antarctic Program
    Italian Antarctic Program Library
    Long Duration Ballooning in Antarctica
    Long Term Ecological Research
    Malin's Antarctic Research. Antarctic images by Malin Space Science
    Systems Inc.
    Ministry of Research, Science and Technology (NZ)
    National Institute of Polar Research in Japan
    The New South Polar Times - Antarctica Discussion Page
    Norsk Polarinstitutt
    NSF WWW server, including the Office of Polar Programs
    National Snow and Ice Data Center
    Orca Research by Ingrid Visser
    Polar Libraries Gopher maintained by Eric Tull, University of Calgary
    Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of
    Potchefstroom University Physics Department, South Africa
    Royal Society of New Zealand
    Scott Base Electrician - Ray Young's Web Site
    South Pole Observatory -- South Pole, Antarctica
    USCGC Polar Star
    Victoria University Antarctic Research Center
    Virtual Antarctica
    World Data Center, C (Glaciology)

