Welcome to my personal web page. My name is Joe Pauly. I'm an artist, but make my living as a Senior Community Association Manager,(CCAM) with Optimum Professional Property Management, Inc.
To show what my career path has been like, here is a link to a brief: Bio (Updated 07/03/07)) 
I spend what little spare time I have with my kids, and surfing..

Following are links to an online photo gallery of my children, and my art gallery.
Click on the image for photos of my son, Aaron:
Click on the images for photos and a
video clip of my daughter, Daniella:
"A very talented baby"
(4 MB, so it may take awhile)

Examples of my Art Work
Check out my gallery.
(updated 02/18/2001)

Since Feb. 18, 2001
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[email protected]
� If you have comments or suggestions, email me at:
This site and all images � Joachim H. Pauly except where indicated
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