9th August 2002 - Created the site, uploaded the trailer, dealt with the menu for the good characters, linked to my ezboard, and not much else...
10th August 2002 - Eight character profiles are completed.  I should have done more, but I spent most of the night babysitting... which is bad.
11th August 2002 - I've dealt with the main page for my Geocities sites and sorted out the menu for the bad guys, and done four more profiles, uwee!
12th August 2002 - We've had no electricity for most of the day! >.< So all I could do was just one measly profile... *sigh*
13th August 2002 - I've done my personal profile page, done another baddie profile and cleared the good guy profiles... where's my thesaurus?
14th August 2002 - Holy crud buckets, how many pictures have I uploaded today?  Oh...they're for the art pages, mwaha ^_^
15th August 2002 - The site's unleashed to the public, I clear the villains' page, and I've sorted out the links page and the thank yous... ya!
16th August 2002 - The posticons are up, therefore the site's done for now, until I come back from my holiday for releasing the story!
29th September 2002 - Altered Lozzy's profile a bit.  I'll add more soon... I promise! O_O*
2nd October 2002 - Lozzy's profile's altered again... and I brought in three screenshots for good measure ^^
20th October 2002 - Some pictures uploaded, and I'm on the process of giving titles to my pages... hard work, darnit!
21st October 2002 - All pictures linked, thank goodness... a bit of a shame that six of which need reuploading ><
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