~*Android hunter and Arctic canine, forever on the search for those who are in greater need than herself...*~
Name:  Jessica Yamazaki
Age:  15
Species:  Half-dog (Dalmatian), half Arctic fox
Role:  Grrl power
Weaponry:  Light sabre
Height:  5'9"
Weight:  108lbs
Hair colour:  Pink
Eye colour:  Red
Likes:  The future, her legacy and anything else
Dislikes:  Brussels sprouts (!)

Personality:  Jessica is often seen as a pleasing young lady when you come across her.  She rarely has any problems, and she knows how to keep her expressions with such high spirits.  However she's that worthy to her father, currently fighting in future tournaments, she writes to him when away from home.

Fanship:  Jessica's parents, Vector and Monnika (nee Muski) have seen huge successes, with their biggest hits being 'Future Rivals' and 'Cerulean Wizard 2' respectively.  She has been gradually following their footsteps, after seeing her greatest success with 'The Rugal Saga', released last year.  She has starred in many more hits of her own, and is bound to see stardom away from her family here.

My thoughts:  She shares the looks of a superstar with the strength of a raging bull in a china shop. ^_^ That's what I like the most about her.  Her incredible skills in flight, physical combat and use of magic has shown her as one of the strongest characters on the team, but personally, I don't think that strength is everything. o.O;
Do any of you have a first-aid kit?  I think that he's twisted an ankle here and there...
Additional credits:  Jessica Yamazaki is copyrighted to Megaman X and myself 2001-2002.  All rights reserved
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