As the page says, this part of the board takes you to other places on the web, related to this project.
Here's where half the soundtrack is.  To hear the tracks, you can go into the lobby, and do one of two options - click on the jukebox to the left of the screen when the lobby opens, or click on the monkey, find the studio and click on the computer after scrolling right.

Reanimation site

Here's where the other half of the soundtrack is.  I haven't tested it, so shout at me if there's something wrong.

If all else fails, you can download the tracks from this site... and the equipment necessary first.

One of the two ezboards getting this story.  Kudos to Lioness, Spin, Crystal, Lozzy and co for keeping it running.

The National Playground
The second ezboard getting the story.  Big up Sptrunks8765 (did I get that right?) for running this thing.

The Unofficial CrashCorner Storycenter
My Angelfire site, and it's where I store any other great fanfics lying around.

Got any more ideas for links?  Pass 'em to me and I'll take a peek into it.
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