Father Engelmar, Priest, Cause for Sainthood and Novena: ApostlesCreed.com

Father Engelmar Unzeitig
Cause for Sainthood & Novena

Father Engelmar Unzeitig was a Roman Catholic priest who died in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.

Father had been arrested and held prisoner by the Nazi's for continuing to preach his Catholic faith. He had been held in a barracks with other priests. However, when he heard that there were many fellow prisoners were isolated in another barracks where all were dying slowly and painfully from a highly contagious, fatal disease with no one to attend to their needs, he volunteered to enter the barracks and clean up and comfort them. He knew it was a death sentence, but he went anyway.

A few weeks later, after giving his final few weeks of life in service to those suffering human beings, he passed away from the same disease.

Father Engelmar's cause for sainthood is now being promoted by the priests of which he was a fellow member.

Here is an September 2, 2004 article from Catholic News Service regarding a miracle attributed to Father Engelmar:
Harrisburg Diocese Investigates Miracle Attributed to Father Engelmar: Catholic News Service

For more information about Father Engelmar and for a copy of the novena for his cause, please write or call to the following address:

LEAVES Magazine
P. O. Box 87
Dearborn, Michigan 48121-0087

or call 313-561-2330

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