Rubber Boots and Overalls

Me and my Farmhand

When you are mucking out in the cowshed it is important to have a reliable farmhand. I am so lucky that I have such a farmhand that is not affraid of taking a firm hold of the dung fork and work hard to clean out the manure. Before starting the dirty work you need to ensure that he is equipped for the work: Overalls and some big rubber boots that can stand the manure. Big black Nora boots are suitable for this purpose.

Here he is working hard:

From the following pictures it becomes clear why you need to wear rubber boots in the cowhouse:

Off course I am helping because I enjoy the hard work:

After the hard work in the cowhouse you need a little rest:

My farmhand proudly shows his dirty boots to me:

When the barrow is loaded with dung he transport the cartload of dung to the field to have it spread. Infact dung spreading is really a hobby for him:

You can also have a look in my photo album from other mucking out days:

You also need to do a little cleaning afterwards:

When you are finished with the work you have to put your rubber boots in a dry and warm place because they are humid inside of your sweat:

If you would like to contact my young farmhand you can mail him on farmhand


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