The Bridgemaker
This is my favorite story in regards to my artwork.  This piece was completed for a fund-raising auction.   The winner of the bidding received a commissioned piece of my artwork.  The individual wanted this home in Pittsburgh done in high quality.

The home is almost a century old.  It started out as just an empty lot.   The owner of the lot wanted to build a home, but funds were short and his job as a bridge-stone mason, did not pay very much.  While working he learned that there was extra stone being tossed aside awaiting the grinder for gravel.  He inquired about binging those pieces home with him, instead of having them crushed.  So every day, he would load several stones into his vehicle and take it to this empty lot.  Over time he had enough rock to build his home.

The above image testifies to ingenuity and determination. 
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