Press Release

Press Release 2 June 2003

The 50th anniversary of the coronation

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the coronation of Her Majesty The Queen. In the fifty years since the coronation there have been enormous changes both to the monarchy and to the political and social life of New Zealand and the Commonwealth. Yet, over this time The Queen has upheld her coronation oath and the exhortations which she received that day. She has sought, within the limits of constitutional monarchy, to maintain the ancient role of the monarch as servant of God and people.

By personal example and in her actions, she has upheld the exhortation of the Archbishop of Canterbury to "be so merciful that you be not too remiss; so execute justice that you forget not mercy. Punish the wicked, protect and cherish the just, and lead your people in the way wherein they should go".

In an age of technological challenges, political and social upheaval, and widespread uncertainties and dangers, we can be comforted that our Queen has a firm sense of duty and responsibility, and an unshaken dedication to uphold her duty to her peoples.

Dr Noel Cox


Monarchist League of New Zealand




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