Press Release

Press Release of the Monarchist League of New Zealand

29 September 2001

The Monarchist League of New Zealand regrets that the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) scheduled to take place in Brisbane, Australia, from the 6th to the 9th October 2001 has been postponed, and with it the planned royal visit to New Zealand.

The Commonwealth Secretary-General Rt Hon Don McKinnon said yesterday that he had been in consultation with Commonwealth leaders regarding the feasibility of proceeding with the meeting as scheduled. The decision to postpone the conference resulted from the likely absence of a significant number of leaders, due to security concerns stemming from recent events in the United States of America.

The Queen was to tour New Zealand after the meeting. With the postponement of the meeting the royal visit had to be postponed also. The Prime Minister has advised The Queen that the New Zealand Government is happy to reschedule the Queen's tour for early next year, when it is expected that the Brisbane CHOGM will now be held.


Dr Noel Cox

Chairman, Monarchist League of New Zealand




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