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Welcome to Curves for Women in New Egypt

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Welcome to Curves New Egypt
30 minutes a day
3 times a week

That's all it takes to loose unwanted weight. A 30 minute fitness and common sense weight loss program in an environment designed for women.   No mirrors, No Makeup, No Men.  Our CURVES WORKOUT raises your metabolism so you burn up to those calories!  And best of all it only takes 30 minutes.  You'll amaze yourself with your results- no matter what age you are.


Whatever your goals, Curves personnel can
help you!

Our Curves
30 minute workout circuit
aerobics with strength training - the proven method for permanent body fat reduction.

We are here to help you  AMAZE YOURSELF and change life in just 30 minutes.

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Watch for Coupon Special's
Our Fitness Hours:
Mon-Friday: 8:00am-12:00pm
Mon-Thurs: 3:00pm-8:00pm
Friday: 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am-12:00pm


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