100% Unofficial CPD Vikings Hull Speedway Website

CPD Vikings Rider information

The 2004 Hull CPD Vikings Premier League Treble-Winning Speedway Team riders are from Argentina, Australia, England, Italy and Sweden.


Introducing The 2005 HULL CPD Vikings Riders:

Simone Terenzani

Simone, CPD Vikings' latest signing, rides with Emiliano for MC Lonigo in the Italian lspeedway eague.  Replaces Lee Dicken who is injured.


Lee Dicken

"Local boy" Lee has ridden (on and off) for the Hull Vikings since 1995, recently dropped due to injury.  Has also ridden for Glasgow Tigers and Exeter Falcons - if John O' Groats and Land's End had teams then Lee would probably have rode there too! Currently on the injured list.



Craig Branney

Craig from Cumbria rode very well for the Vikings in 2002 and hopes to do even better in 2005, being promoted into the team from reserve..




Emil Kramer

Emil is the CPD Vikings' "Team Sweden" rider.  Has also ridden for Oxford Sliver Machine in the British Elite League and Ornarna in the Swedish Allsvensken League.




Joel Parsons

 Aussie Joel signed last season for the CPD Vikings from the Rye House Rockets. Has recently returned from injury.



Emiliano Sanchez

"Poty" comes from the Argentine and rides for MC Lonigoin Italy, as well as the CPD Vikings Has also ridden for Peterborough in the British Elite League, and Ornarna in Sweden .




Garry Stead

"Steady As Ya Go" a Viking since 1999, has also ridden in the British Elite League for the Eastbourne Eagles and the Ipswich Witches.




Paul Thorp (Team Captain)

"Thorpy" celebrated his 10-years Testimonial in 2004 and has (not surprisingly) ridden for many teams during his career of 25 years including Belle Vue Aces, Birmingham Brummies, Bradford Dukes, Newcastle Diamonds,  Scunthorpe Stags, Stoke Potters  - and Hull CPD Vikings of course.  Phew!


2004 Premier League Treble Champions

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