100% Unofficial CPD Vikings Hull Speedway Website

Speedway Videos/DVDs

Seen any good DVDs or videos lately?


Thrills, Spills And Bloopers 1995

Approx 3 hours for £20

This is the story of speedway's triumphant return to Hull in 1995 after a 14-year gap (or the "black years", if you will) and it was one of times when people say "you had to be there".  Well, on this occasion it certainly is true: massive crowds, including an opener of nearly 7,500 (!), a new spectacle to many, air horns, great racing due to no home advantage until mid-season, new teams and riders, etc, etc.  This saw the introduction to Hull fans to Paul Thorp and Lee Dicken and both are still around though Lee doesn't ride for the Vikings right now.  Who can still remember Glyn Taylor, "Big" Alan Grahame, "Crabby" Nigel Crabtree, "Smudger" Paul Smith, "Stekkers" Jan Staechmann and Andre Compton?  (wonder what became of Andre Compton?!)  Shown are all the passes, crashes, near fisticuffs and if you think toady's friendly rivalry with the Sheffield Tigers gets a little intense at times, then you really should've been around when we raced the Bradford Dukes with a "certain" Garry Stead!  All good stuff and the only downside is this title may be difficult to get hold of but if you do see it - buy it!


Thrills, Spills And Bloopers 1996

Approx 3 hours for £20

As for '95, more of the same action with the track altered slightly with a little banking and more consistent surface very similar to how it is today.  More incidents, still big crowds, more "fun" with Bradford and new to Craven Park Vikings, an American by the name of Bobby Ott.  No-one who saw "Showtime" will forget him as he was definitely a rider you wanted on your team and not riding against you.  He was quite spectacular to say the least and Bobby never, ever gave up and when he was "on" there was simply nothing better.  There were 6 other riders of course including "Big" Al, "Stekkers", "Ripper" Ray Morton, Robert Nagy, and - Paul Thorp. We just can't get rid of Thorpy, he's still here - only joking Paul! Garry Stead was with Sheffield at this time. As with the 1995 vid, '96 may be difficult to locate but if you see it then get it, you won't be disappointed! There were other riders of course including "Big" Al, "Stekkers", "Ripper" Ray Morton, Robert Nagy, and - Paul Thorp. As with the 1995 vid, '96 may be difficult to locate but if you see it then get it.  You won't be disappointed!


Hull Vikings Review Of 2004

105 mins, £20

We were all there, we know what happened and we must preserve last year for all eternity as we will never win the treble for the first time again. Hull Vikings 2004 Treble Champions, still has a ring to it I won't ever get bored of hearing. A really quite incredible year, starting off with a team that didn't appear that special but had potential on paper.  But an away win at Newport, the signing of Joel Parsons, and everyone clicked into gear at once and there was just no stopping the rampant BHK Vikings.  Watch again all the incidents of 2004; Joel's 1st match v Sheffield, Emiliano going around the outside of 3 riders at once -including up the fence, Simons Stead's (unintential) one-man demolition job v Workington, masses of Viking 5-1's and all those simply wonderful victory celebrations. Not forgetting Thorpy's 10-year testimonial and Shane Parker's unique and individual victory lap celebration. Presented throughout by Paul Hodder, aided and abetted by Garry Stead, includes the celebration with the Lord Mayor of Hull at the Guildhall.  The content of both the DVD and Video is identical, except for the usual chapter selection and an additional 5 minute watch-it-in-a-hurry-to-remind-yourself-how-great-it-was version on the DVD.  The DVD actually sold out but I believe a few copies of the video are still available.  Go on, treat yourself!

Champions: Barry Briggs

66 mins, £12.99

I got this from Halfords, of all places, a few years ago so you should still be able to order it as it's one of their Champions series and WH Smith may stock it.  Tells the story of Barry's fascinating life (including car racing, gold prospecting, ice speedway and motorcycle trials), his speedway career at Wimbledon Dons, Swindon Robins then back to Wimbledon again, speedway in Ireland with the Shelbourne Tigers, his World Championship wins including his last World Final in 1972 when Ivan Mauger won (title no.4) but Briggo lost a finger in a track crash!  Gross!  Very informative with many rider interviews but annoyingly doesn't mention his time with the Hull Vikings.  Very interesting whether you're a fan of Briggo's or not.



Ivan Mauger, Man Of The Millennium

Approx 3 hours, £20

It helps a little to be a fan of Ivan's but even if you aren't this is absolutely fascinating viewing.  Mauger was voted "Man Of The Millennium" by Speedway Star readers (Briggo was 4th behind Ivan, Hans Nielsen and Ove Fundin) not bad for a rider not widely considered widely  - unless he rode for your team that is ie Eastbourne Eagles, Wimbledon Dons, Newcastle Diamonds, Belle Vue Aces, Exeter Falcons and of course Hull Vikings. Includes rare footage and discussion of Ivan's Speedway World Championship successes (all 6 of them!), his approach to speedway and how his sheer professionalism changed the image of the sport forever.  If you want to learn about winning at speedway, then this is the video to get.  May have a different cover but I chose this one for the Hull Vikings body colour.


World Speedway Champions Of The 1980's

116 mins, £24.99

This DVD does as it say on the tin, chronicling the World Finals of the 1980's, from Michael Lee in 1980, Bruce Penhall's wins in 1981(The last at Wembley) & 1982 at the LA Coliseum, ex-Hull Viking Egon Muller's home produced victory in 1983 to Hans Nielsen and Erik Gundersen battling it out.  Muller's '83 win was interesting and caused some controversy as it occurred on his home track. So what? Well imagine the British Grand Prix being held at Workington and won by Carl Stonehewer or even better at Hull and won by Steady or Thorpy. Actually that would be cool. But this it how it happened in 1983 and the Germans really boxed-off the World Championship in that year. Muller never troubled world class riders in speedway again though he was a star on the long track circuit. The remainder of the 1980's were taken up by Team Denmark's Nielsen and Gundersen.  A very interesting title but hideously expensive at nearly 25 quid for less than 2 hours, I paid £12.99 in a special offer which is about right.  One to really think about before you buy.



Re-Run Videos, 227 Shalmsford Street, Chartham, Kent CT4 7PY Tel: 01227 732596.

Speedway Video Club, PO Box 4428, Bishop's Stortford, Herts CM 23 1JD  Tel: 01279 77954.

I have dealt with these companies several times and fully recommend them both.


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