The Dead Zone

Hardcover edition

Published In:		1979
Retail Price:		$35.00
Our Price:		$6.99 + S&H
Score:			7/10


Johnny Smith is an ordinary young man with an engaging grin, a talent for teaching, and a new girl. As he takes Sarah to a carnival, life looks very good. But is his bizarre run of luck on the Wheel of Fortune really a blessing?

"There was a sudden jingling sound that Sarah at first thought must be in her own ears. Then she saw that the others who had put money down were sweeping it back off the board again, leaving Johnny to make his play alone.

No! she found herself wanting to shout. Not like that, not alone, it isn't fair...."

A few hours later an accident slams Johnny Smith into a coma that will last four and a half years.

In four and a half years a lot can change. When Johnny wakes up, his girl, his career, and his youth are gone. But the tragedy of his loss is nothing compared to the horror of his gain. For Johnny Smtih can now scan the minds, the pasts, and the futures of certain others through a single touch. It is a gift he does not want and a fate he cannot escape. he is repeatedly forced into the role of Cassandra - morally compelled to warn, and inevitably despised for his efforts.

"If you really can see such things, I pity you. You're a freak of God, no different from a two-headed cow I once saw in the carnival."

And then, one fine summer day, Johnny shakes the hand of an ambitious politician and is visited by a vision of a future so unspeakable that only Johnny can believe its truth. And only Johnny Smith can act to stop it. He is alone...and it isn't fair.

In his gripping tale of an ordinary man forced to confront extraordinary evil, Stephen King has created a masterpiece of menace. But it is also the compelling story of Johnny Smith, one whose echoes will haunt you long after the final page is turned.

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