Monsters of the Mind

A Stephen King Book Store

from The Stephen King Universe
by Stanley Wiater
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Welcome to a most twisted world, where everything is chaos and nothing is quite what it seems. Welcome to a world where creatures lay in wait just underneath your bed and supernatural boogeymen wait just around the corner with nothing but a sinister-looking cane and a horrific smile on their face; where cars are the ultimate objects of evil and men become possessed, psychotic creatures; where little boys see the truth behind a nice, homely facade and the journeys of a gunslinger, Roland, are played out in a frightening fantasy world that bears a striking resemblance to our own world in so many horrible ways.

Welcome to Monsters of the Mind, a site dedicated to the works of Stephen King. It is here that you can find copies of the King books you love so much, the ones you missed, or, if you are new to the world of Stephen King, a good book to start with.

Turn on the light. It's going to be a VERY long night...

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