Rose Madder

Hardcover edition

Published In:		1995
Retail Price:		$25.95
Our Price:		$9.99 + S&H
Score:			9.5/10


Rose Daniels saw the single drop of blood on the bed sheet - and knew she must escape from her macabre marriage before it was too late.

But escape was not as easy as fleeing to a new city, picking a new name, finding a new job, lucking out with a new man. Her husband, Norman, was a cop, with a cop's training, a cop's technology, a cop's bloodhound instincts. And even worse, Norman was - well, Norman. Rose knew she had been married to a savage brute. Now she realized she was being tracked down by a terrifying monster - but the only place she found to hide could be most dangerous place of all...

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